


v1.0.1 Google analytics widget for David Spriggs Configurable Map Viewer

Widget designed to send google analytics tracking messages. This is an early version and the type of standard events is pretty limited.
Widget developers can publish tracking events to 'googleAnalytics/events' as follows:

topic.publish( 'googleAnalytics/events', {
     category: 'Widget Event',
     action: 'Visible Layer Change',
     label: 'Layer Swapper',
     value: true
 } );

To configure the in your project

  1. Copy the GoogleAnalytics.js file into your viewer/js/gis/dijit directory
  2. Add the following to your CMV viewer config file
googleAnalytics: {
    include: true,
    id: 'googAnalytics',
    type: 'invisible',
    path: 'gis/dijit/GoogleAnalytics',
    options: {
        map: true,  //reguired to track map and layer events
        gaAccount: 'UA-XXX00774-02',
        events: {
            map: ['extent-change','basemap-change' ], //array of map events, see api docs for event you can listen for
            layer: [ 'visibility-change', 'update-end' ], //array of layer events, see api docs for event you can listen for
            titlePane: [ 'open', 'close', 'dock', 'undock' ] //array of widget events  [ 'open', 'close', 'dock', 'undock' ]

Looking for input on what type of standard events would be useful to track from the CMV.

2 event listeners added in the postCreate method:

on(this, 'show', lang.hitch(this, '_onOpenClose', true));
on(this, 'hide', lang.hitch(this, '_onOpenClose', false));

And two additional methods:

_updateTopic: function ( msg ) {
    topic.publish( 'widgetState/events', {
        category: 'Widget Event',
        action: msg,
        label: this.title,
        value: msg
    } );

_onOpenClose: function( isOpen ) {
    var evt = isOpen ? 'open' : 'close';
    this._updateTopic( evt );

also, dojo/topic added to list of module dependencies