

<h1 style="font-weight: bold;"> chakra-ui-steps </h1>

<span>Steps component designed to work seamlessly with <a href="https://chakra-ui.com/" target="_blank">Chakra UI</a>.</span> <span>All documentation and a variety of code examples can be viewed <a href="https://chakra-ui-steps.vercel.app" target="_blank">here</a>.</span> <br /> <br />

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yarn add chakra-ui-steps


npm i chakra-ui-steps


In order to use the Steps component you will need to first extend the theme with the StepsTheme object. This can be done in your theme file:

import { extendTheme } from "@chakra-ui/react";
import { StepsTheme as Steps } from "chakra-ui-steps";

const theme = extendTheme({
  components: {

export default theme;

Then you can use the Steps component in your app:

import { Steps, Step } from "chakra-ui-steps";

const Example = () => {
  const { nextStep, prevStep, reset, activeStep } = useSteps({
    initialStep: 0,
  return (
      <Steps activeStep={activeStep}>
        <Step label="Step 1" description="This is the first step" />
        <Step label="Step 2" description="This is the second step" />
        <Step label="Step 3" description="This is the third step" />
      <Button onClick={() => prevStep()}>Back</Button>
      <Button onClick={() => nextStep()}>Next</Button>


For a full list of available props and examples of how to use the component, please visit the <a href="https://chakra-ui-steps.vercel.app" target="_blank">documentation site</a>.

If you found this package useful, please consider leaving a star ⭐️ on the repo. Thanks!

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Upgrade guide

If you are upgrading to v2 of this component you will need to make the following changes:

- import { StepsStyleConfig as Steps } from 'chakra-ui-steps';
+ import { StepsTheme as Steps } from 'chakra-ui-steps';
- <Steps labelOrientation="vertical" />
+ <Steps variant="circles-alt" />

The rest of the API remains the same.