

What is the Yested Framework

Yested Framework is designed for the strongly typed development of Single Page Applications running in a browser. Application and framework are developed in Kotlin language.

Original version

This repository hosts a new version of Yested Framework.

The old one (https://github.com/jean79/yested) is deprecated.

The main difference to the old Yested framework is the introduction of bindable properties and View Models (from WPF): https://github.com/jean79/yested_fw/blob/master/src/commonMain/kotlin/net/yested/core/properties/properties.kt

Also, I have removed the Component interface and utilize what was already developed by Kotlin guys: https://github.com/jean79/yested_fw/blob/master/src/jsMain/kotlin/net/yested/core/html/html.kt

This new approach is much simpler than the first version of Yested. It beats in productivity compared to any other UI development framework, including WPF and JavaFX.

Main features

How it works

A component is simply a method. It is usually an external method on HTMLElement or a more specific type.
The method takes parameters that can be either a simple value or a bindable Property. The method usually has a final init function parameter that allows nesting content within it, usually with a given context such as HTMLElement, HTMLSelectElement, or a custom "context" class. The method generally adds content to the object it is invoked on. To add simple text, it will call appendText("some text").

How to build and run tests

On the command-line run "./gradlew build".


See https://github.com/jean79/yested_fw/blob/master/src/jsTest/kotlin/demo.kt

To run demo:

On the command-line run "./gradlew build".

In IntelliJ, right-click on index.html and "Open in Browser".

Example of a Simple Component

fun HTMLElement.jumbotron(init: HTMLElement.()->Unit) {
    div { className = "jumbotron"

Example Usage of a Bindable Property

val p = Property("hello")
val validation = p.validate(errorMessage = "Name is required") { it.size > 0 }.message()
//then ui:
formGroup(state = validation) {
    btsLabel(htmlFor = "ii", width = Col.Width.Lg(4)) {
    col(Col.Width.Lg(4)) {
        textInput(value = p) //p is bindable property