

<p align="center"> <img height="80" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jdrouet/jolimail/main/resources/logo.svg"> </p>

Jolimail is an open source alternative to all the transactionnal email solutions.

Commitizen friendly pipeline status codecov

Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)


Why did we build jolimail?

Jolimail comes from the frustration of using several email providers. We used to work with products like sendgrid, mailgun, mailchimp, sendinblue, etc.

But they have many disadvantages :

How to use it?

Jolimail is a simple application that allows you to create your email templates directly in the browser and have a preview.

You can start it in different ways but we recommend using Docker if you are on a amd64, i386 or arm64 architecture. By doing the following, you'll be able to have a running jolimail server that will provide your email template, a catapulte instance and a fake smtp server.

git clone https://github.com/jdrouet/jolimail.git
cd jolimail
docker-compose -f docker-compose.example.yml up

Then you should be able to reach jolimail here and the smtp server here.

If you want to use it in a production environment, you can will just need a postgres instance where the templates will be stored.

You can also deploy it on Heroku with the following button


Should you use it?

If, like us, you didn't find any good way of doing transactional emails, then Yes!

Why you should use it :

Thank you!

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