Sound Zone Tools
Sound Zone Tools is a collection of auxiliary MATLAB tools for soundfield reproduction and other signal processing tasks. The tools have been written by myself or collected from other open sources. If a file is missing and there is no download link in the parent file's header, please open an issue to request the link.
Don't forget to give appropriate reference to the code used, author details are usually found in the file's header. Enjoy!
File name | Description |
addNoise.m | Adds a given level and type of noise to a signal |
ALcons2STI.m | Converts Articulation Loss of Consonants (ALcons) to the Speech Transmission Index (STI) |
ArbitraryOctaveFilt.m | Filters a signal with any arbitrary spectrum smoothed with any fractional octave band average |
buildDocumentation.m | Generates documentation HTML and builds MATLAB search database for dependencies of a main file |
buildReleaseZIP.m | Creates a ZIP file of all release dependencies for a main file |
ConcatTIMITtalkers.m | Concatenates all the talkers from the TIMIT corpus into individual speech files |
confidence_intervals.m | Find the confidence intervals for a set of data for use with the errorbar function in MATLAB |
Correlated_Normalisation.m | Matches the amplitude of X using cross-correlation |
COSHdist.m | Finds the symmetric Itakura-Saito distance using the hyperbolic cosine function |
Dropbox.m | Function to start and kill dropbox from MATLAB |
estoi.m | Implementation of the Extended Short-Time Objective Intelligibility (ESTOI) predictor |
extractIR.m | Extract impulse response from swept-sine response. |
fconv.m | Fast Parallelised Convolution |
fdeconv.m | Fast Parallelised Deconvolution |
generateNoise.m | Generates basic noise at a given level with the option to be additive |
getAllFiles.m | Retrieves a list of all files within a directory |
interpFromVal_2D.m | This function will interpolate from desired z-axis values and return the interpolation indices for them in the y-axis |
interpVal.m | This function will interpolate from desired arbitrarily spaced index values |
interpVal_2D.m | This function will interpolate from desired abitrarily spaced index values in a 2D array |
invFIR.m | Design inverse filter (FIR) from mono or stereo impulse response |
invimplms.m | Inverse impulse using the Levinson-Durbin algorithm |
invSweepFFT.m | Obtain the FFT of an inverted exponentional sine sweep |
IRcompactingKirkebyFilter.m | Compacting Kirkeby Filter |
keepFilesFromFolder.m | Keeps files and file paths in a cell array if the file names in a given folder are found in the path string |
LTASS.m | Computes the Long-Term Average Speech Spectrum from a folder of speech files or vector of speech samples |
MiKTeX_FNDB_Refresh.m | Function to refresh the File Name DataBase in MiKTeX |
octaveBandMean.m | Given a magnitude spectrum this function will calculate the average (single, third, nth) octave band magnitude |
pesq2.m | Objective speech quality measure |
pesq3.m | A wrapper for the objective Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality measure |
pesq_mex_fast_vec.m | Accepts vectors for a mex compiled version of the objective Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality measure |
pesq_mex_vec.m | Accepts vectors for a mex compiled version of the objective Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality measure |
printHyperlink.m | Prints a hyperlink to the command window |
repmatmatch.m | Replicate and tile an array to match the size of a given N-D array |
shapeSpectrum.m | This function will shape an input signal to the given spectrum (simple, unregulated spectral shaping) |
showTimeToCompletion.m | Prints the time to completion and expected finish of a looped simulation based on linear extrapolation. |
simpleWarning.m | Prints a coloured warning without the location information |
sineSweepLin.m | Synthesize a linear sine sweep |
STI.m | Calculation of the Speech Transmission Index (STI) |
STI_BandFilters.m | Calculation of the Speech Transmission Index (STI) Band Filters |
stoi.m | The Short-Time Objective Intelligibility measure |
stoi_d2percCorr.m | Converts the stoi measure, d, to percent words correct unit |
synthSweep.m | Synthesize a logarithmic sine sweep |
wait_for_file.m | A forceful method to wait for a file to finish being written to |