

PEAN: A Diffusion-Based Prior-Enhanced Attention Network for Scene Text Image Super-Resolution (ACMMM 2024)

Zuoyan Zhao, Hui Xue, Pengfei Fang, Shipeng Zhu

This repository offers the official Pytorch code for this paper. If you have any question, feel free to contact Zuoyan Zhao (zuoyanzhao@seu.edu.cn).

[Main Paper] [Full Paper (arXiv)] [Code] [OpenReview] [Slides] [Video] [Poster (Coming soon!)]


[2024.08.20] 🔥🔥🔥 Code and weights of this model is now available on Github. [Link]

[2024.07.23] Full paper (including Supplementary Material) is now available on arXiv. [Link]

[2024.07.16] 🎉🎉🎉 This paper is accepted by ACMMM 2024. Congratulations to myself. Thank every reviewers for their appreciation to this work.

[2024.06.11] Reviews of this paper have been released. Luckily, it receives a score of "4 4 4" from three reviewers.

[2024.04.15] Preprint version of this paper is now available on arXiv. [Link]

[2024.04.14] I am nominated as a reviewer for ACMMM 2024.

[2024.04.13] This paper has been submitted to ACMMM 2024. Wish me good luck.


python pytorch cuda numpy

Other possible Python packages are also needed, please refer to requirements.txt for more information.

Datasets and Pre-trained Recognizers

Training and Testing the Model

Weights of Our Implemented Models


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  title={{PEAN}: A Diffusion-Based Prior-Enhanced Attention Network for Scene Text Image Super-Resolution},
  author={Zuoyan Zhao and Hui Xue and Pengfei Fang and Shipeng Zhu},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia},