

Editor Syntax Highlight Obsidian Plugin

A plugin for Obsidian that provides copy buttons on code blocks in preview.

Screenshot Shown along with the "Editor Syntax Highlight" and "Calendar" plugins.

This plugin adds a copy button to the top right of code blocks in preview mode.


Custom plugins are only available for Obsidian v0.9.7+. The current API of this repo targets Obsidian v0.9.7+.


From within Obsidian

From Obsidian v0.9.8, you can activate this plugin within Obsidian by doing the following:


You can follow the same procedure to update the plugin

From GitHub


This project uses Typescript to provide type checking and documentation.
The repo depends on the latest plugin API in Typescript Definition format, which contains TSDoc comments describing what it does.

Note: The Obsidian API is still in early alpha and is subject to change at any time!

If you want to contribute to development and/or just customize it with your own tweaks, you can do the following:

Alternately, you can clone the repo directly into your plugins folder and once dependencies are installed use npm run dev to start compilation in watch mode.
You may have to reload obsidian (ctrl+R) to see changes.

Version History


Initial Release.