Regroupment of all my Ansible roles with git submodule + Informations
Add this variables to you ansible.cfg roles_path= /path/to/ansible-roles
Role conventions
- Git repository name are : ansible-role-rolename
- task name
- all task should have a name description
- all task name should tourn in form of ensure the state is ok and not made the action
- the task name don't have to include the role name
- Examples :
- Good task name: Ensure python and python-api are installed
- Bad task name: python | installation of python
- tags
- all tasks should be tag by the role name
- other standart tags are : deploy,compilation,packages,configuration,service
- tags sould set at the end of the task with this yaml form : tags: ["rolename","configuration"]
- OS
- all tasks with OS or family OS dependency should have a when condition on ansible_os_family or ansible_distribution
- especially for packages manager task
- you don't have to support all OS if you can't test it
- place OS specific task in different file if it's more than 1 task
- all tasks with OS or family OS dependency should have a when condition on ansible_os_family or ansible_distribution
- sudo
- use sudo only when it's not for root user