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kafka - Publisher & Consumer for Kafka 0.7.x in Go

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Kafka is a distributed publish-subscribe messaging system: (http://kafka.apache.org)

Go language: (http://golang.org/) <br/>

For Kafka 0.8.x take a look at https://github.com/Shopify/sarama


May 2015

April 2015

April 2013

Get up and running

Install go (version 1): <br/> For more info see: http://weekly.golang.org/doc/install.html#install

Make sure to set your GOROOT properly (http://golang.org/doc/install.html#environment). Also set your GOPATH appropriately: http://weekly.golang.org/doc/code.html#tmp_13

Build from source:

<code>make kafka</code> <br/> Make the tools (publisher & consumer) <br/> <code>make tools</code> <br/> Start zookeeper, Kafka server <br/> For more info on Kafka, see: http://incubator.apache.org/kafka/quickstart.html


Start a consumer:

<pre><code> $GOPATH/bin/consumer -topic test -consumeforever Consuming Messages : From: localhost:9092, topic: test, partition: 0 ---------------------- </code></pre>

Now the consumer will just poll until a message is received.

Publish a message:

<pre><code> $GOPATH/bin/publisher -topic test -message "Hello World" </code></pre>

The consumer should output message.

API Usage


<pre><code> broker := kafka.NewBrokerPublisher("localhost:9092", "mytesttopic", 0) broker.Publish(kafka.NewMessage([]byte("testing 1 2 3"))) </code></pre>

Publishing Compressed Messages

<pre><code> broker := kafka.NewBrokerPublisher("localhost:9092", "mytesttopic", 0) broker.Publish(kafka.NewCompressedMessage([]byte("testing 1 2 3"))) </code></pre>


<pre><code> broker := kafka.NewBrokerConsumer("localhost:9092", "mytesttopic", 0, 0, 1048576) broker.Consume(func(msg *kafka.Message) { msg.Print() }) </code></pre>

Or the consumer can use a channel based approach:

<pre><code> broker := kafka.NewBrokerConsumer("localhost:9092", "mytesttopic", 0, 0, 1048576) go broker.ConsumeOnChannel(msgChan, 10, quitChan) </code></pre>

Consuming Offsets

<pre><code> broker := kafka.NewBrokerOffsetConsumer("localhost:9092", "mytesttopic", 0) offsets, err := broker.GetOffsets(-1, 1) </code></pre>


jeffreydamick (at) gmail (dot) com


Big thank you to NeuStar for sponsoring this work.