


Run Shiny applications in a multi-session mode.

Prevents that if a user executes a long computing task penalizing others.

ShinyParallel manages incoming users and redistributes them between multiple sessions created for your Shiny app. It provides two modes of use:

Note: ShinyParallel should work on any operating system that supports R, however it has been tested only under Linux (Ubuntu).



ShinyParallel is currently only available as a GitHub package. To install it run the following from an R console:

if (!require("remotes")) {

runApp mode


If you run your Shiny app like this:

runApp(appDir=myApp, <otherParams>)

Just replace it by:

shinyParallel::runApp(appDir=myApp, <otherParams>)

The only parameter that varies is port, in shinyParallel::runApp the parameter is modified by ports. And instead of being numeric of length 1, it will now be numeric of length equal to the number of ports available to use. Where the first port will be used by the ShinyParallel app, and the rest by the generated sessions.

The shinyParallel::runApp function has two additional parameters:



# Create a Shiny app object
app <- shinyApp(
  ui = fluidPage(
    column(3, wellPanel(
      numericInput("n", label = "Is it prime?", value = 7, min = 1),
      actionButton("check", "Check!")
  server = function(input, output) {
    # Check if n is prime.
    # Not R optimized.
    # No Fermat, Miller-Rabin, Solovay-Strassen, Frobenius, etc tests.
    # Check if n is divisable up to n-1 !!
    isPrime <- function(n) {
      res <- TRUE
      i <- 2
      while (i < n) {
        res <- res && n %% i != 0
        i <- i + 1
    observeEvent(input$check, {
          "Yes it is!", "Nope, not a prime."
        footer = NULL,
        easyClose = TRUE

# Run it with Shiny
# Run it with ShinyParallel default params
# Run it with ShinyParallel, give one session per user
shinyParallel::runApp(app, max.sessions = Inf, users.per.session = 1)

In this example, if the app is run with shiny::runApp, and a user wants to calculate if the number 179424691 is prime then the app will be blocked for other users for some minutes, if the app is run with shinyParallel::runApp not.

If the shiny app url is http://<url>:<port>/ then enter http://<url>:<port>/?admin to view a panel that lists the number of users currently present in each session.

installShinyParallel mode


If your application is at <myAppPath>, i.e., from an R terminal runApp(<myAppPath>) starts the app, then to install it on the server just run R as root (or make sure the actual user has write permissions on the Shiny server) and run the installShinyParallel(<myAppPath>) command.


First, let’s create our Shiny app, from a Linux terminal type:

cd ~
mkdir myShinyApp
echo "
    # Create a Shiny app object
    app <- shinyApp(
      ui = fluidPage(
        column(3, wellPanel(
          numericInput('n', label = 'Is it prime?', value = 7, min = 1),
          actionButton('check', 'Check!')
      server = function(input, output) {
        # Check if n is prime.
        # Not R optimized.
        # No Fermat, Miller-Rabin, Solovay-Strassen, Frobenius, etc tests.
        # Check if n is divisable up to n-1 !!
        isPrime <- function(n) {
          res <- TRUE
          i <- 2
          while (i < n) {
            res <- res && n %% i != 0
            i <- i + 1
        observeEvent(input\$check, {
                'Yes it is!', 'Nope, not a prime.'),
            footer = NULL,
            easyClose = TRUE
" > myShinyApp/app.R

So now we can try our app, and install it with multi-session feature, from a R (sudo) console type:

# And install it
  max.sessions = 20,
  users.per.session = 5
