

<p align="center"> <img width="350" src="./image/exampleanime.png"> <img width="350" src="./image/examplemanga.png"> <h3 align="center">MAL-Box</h3> <p align="center">Pinnable GitHub Gist with your latest Activity from MyAnimeList</p> </p>

🎉 Usage

🚧 Prep Work

  1. Create a new public GitHub Gist (https://gist.github.com/).
  2. Create a token with the gist scope and copy it. (https://github.com/settings/tokens/new)
  3. Copy your username from MyAnimeList.

🔨 Setup

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Go to your fork's Settings > Secrets page add each environment secret (below).
  3. Go to your fork's Actions tab and enable the mal-box-default workflow.
  4. Thats it! Now you can pin the gist to your profile and every 30 minutes the gist will be updated.

How to use both Manga and Anime lists:

  1. Do everything from above steps in setup.
  2. Go to your fork's Settings > Environments > New environment and create two new environments called "manga" and "anime".
  3. Choose your "manga" environment and add each environment secret (below). Remember that the GIST_ID and MAL_MODE will differ from the "anime" environment.
  4. Choose your "anime" environment and add each environment secret (below). Remember that the GIST_ID and MAL_MODE will differ from the "manga" environment.
  5. Go to the Actions tab on your fork.
  6. If enabled, disable the "mal-box-default" workflow by clicking on it and then Three dots > Disable Workflow .
  7. Enable the "mal-box-anime" Workflow via the same Actions tab. Start a workflow run by Actions > mal-box-anime > Run Workflow.
  8. Enable the "mal-box-manga" Workflow via the same Actions tab. Start a workflow run by Actions > mal-box-manga > Run Workflow.
  9. Thats it! Now you can pin the gists to your profile and every 30 minutes both gists will be updated.

🤫 Environment Secrets