unjs/changelogen powered versioning and changelog generation plugin for Release It!
This plugin adds the following with Release It!
- Enables semantic versioning (semver) and changelog generation,powered by unjs/changelogen
- Enables dotenv integration automatically; no need to configure it separately
npm install -D release-it-changelogen
In release-it config:
You also need to set git tag and commit messages to match semver. Currently, Release It plugins cannot update other plugin's options Issue
plugins: {
'release-it-changelogen': {
disableVersion: true
templates: {
commitMessage: "chore(release): v{{newVersion}}",
tagMessage: "v{{newVersion}}",
tagBody: "v{{newVersion}}",
git: {
tagName: 'v${version}',
commitMessage: 'chore(release): v${version}',
tagAnnotation: 'v${version}',
Configuration Options
Disables the recommended version provided by Changelogen
Skips the version confirmation prompt and always uses the version provided by Changelogen
All Other Options
Are passed to Changelogen; More information on available options can be found here: changelogen