ProbCast is an R
Package under continuous development by researchers at the University of Strathclyde. It is a collection of functions for probabilistic forecasting (mainly wrappers for qunatile and semi-parametric regression model fitting functions), cross-validation, evaluation and visualisation. Central to ProbCast is the data class MultiQR
, for storing the results of multiple quantile regression, and methods for working with MultiQR
You can install the latest version of ProbCast using:
# install.packages("devtools")
The latest release is:
It may be necessary to set the following:
The package includes a script Example.R
which demonstrates much of ProbCast's functionallity.
Guide for Contributors
Contributors should follow the following guidelines:
- Open new branches when adding new functinoality, or making changes to exisig functions
- Raise issues when adding functionality, and identifying and fixing bugs
- Use rogygen to include documentation with each new function. Include helpful notes on all inputs, outputs, and wokrings of the function
- Include helpful comments throughout code
- Add yourself as @author to functions that you have "ownership" of
- Invite others to review pull requests (check for documentation, back compatability, confilcts...)
Thanks to everyone who has contributed: Jethro Browell, Ciaran Gilbert, Gordon McFadzean, Rosemary Tawn.
Development of ProbCast has been supported by the following grants and organisations:
- EPSRC Innovation Fellowship "System-winde probabilistic energy forecasting" (EP/R023484/1 and EP/R023484/2, 2018-2022)
- EPSRC Wind and Marine Energy Systems CDT (EP/L016680/1)
- Network Innovation Allowance project "Control REACT" (NIA_NGSO0032)
- University of Strathclyde
- University of Glasgow
- TNEI Services Ltd
ProbCast was introduced in the following paper, and has sinced been used in multiple academic studies and to facilitate training in probabilistic forecasting for researchers and practitioners.
- J. Browell and C. Gilbert, (2020), "ProbCast: Open-source production, evaluation and visualisation of probabilistic forecasts", DOI: 10.1109/PMAPS47429.2020.9183441
- Citing articles
- Archived versions on Zenodo