

Tide Example Application

This application is intended to eventually represent best practices in developing a tide application. The actual features are modeled closely after the ruby on rails getting started tutorial, with the intent that when this application is succinct and ergonomic enough, a similar tutorial will be a useful introduction.

Current crate choices include:

Running this repository locally

You need to add two environment variables to run this application, DATABASE_URL and TIDE_SECRET.

Database setup

This application is built on the sqlite database, and accepts database urls of the form "sqlite:///path/to/sqlite.db".

This repository does yet not use migrations. In order to set up the database, run

$ sqlite3 db/sqlite3.db < db/schema.sql

You will also need to add DATABASE_URL to your environment. We recommend using direnv, and include an example .envrc.

export DATABASE_URL="sqlite://./db/sqlite3.db"


The TIDE_SECRET needs to be a cryptographically random key of at least 32 bytes in your execution environment. An easy way to generate it is:

$ openssl rand -base64 64

Running the app

cargo run


Pull requests and fork variants very welcome. Any variants that aren't merged into this repo will be linked here along with decriptions of the libraries, design decisons, and tradeoffs.

Tide version

This application will always represent the most recent crate release of tide: <img src="https://img.shields.io/crates/v/tide.svg?style=flat-square" alt="Crates.io version" />