

SimpleLang Interpreter

This is a command line interpreter for a simple, Turing complete, programming language. It can run code from a file or from the command line (interactive mode). SimpleLang is actually a rebranding of a popular esoteric programming language called brain<expletive>. SimpleLang is just a change in name and nothing more, since I didn't want to plaster cuss words all over my online portfolio. Similarly, SimpleLang++ is a rebranding of a lesser known addition to the original language by Jacob I. Torrey. Both languages can be easily found on https://esolangs.org SimpleLang is an esoteric programming language in which there are only 8 operations, these are as follows:

<Decrements the data pointer
>Increments the data pointer
-Decrements the byte at the data pointer
+Increments the byte at the data pointer
[Begins a loop, if byte at data pointer is 0, skip to the command after end of loop
]Jump to beginning of loop
,Take a single byte of input
.Print a the byte at the data pointer

Anything that is not one of the above 8 operations is ignored, and can be used to comment.

SimpleLang++ Interpreter

SimpleLang++ is an addition to SimpleLang, which adds some new operations to extend the usefulness (if it was useful to begin with) and possibilities of the language.

The added operations in the SimpleLang++ language are:

#Open a file for reading/writing
;write the character in the current cell to the file, overwriting what is in the file
:Read a character from the file
%Opens a socket for reading/writing. A second call closes the socket.
^Sends the character in the current cell
!Reads a character from socket into current cell

The comment syntax does not change. Any SimpleLang program can be run using SimpleLang++, so long as none of the comments contain any of the new operations.
The actual specification for the SimpleLang++ language (includes how to open files and sockets in more depth) can be found in spec.txt


To build the interpreter use gcc main.c SimpleLang.c SimpleLangpp.c -o SimpleLang -Werror -Wall -lws2_32 on Windows platforms (using MinGW) and gcc main.c SimpleLang.c SimpleLangpp.c -o SimpleLang -Werror -Wall on linux/unix platforms.