

saucer - coffeescript boilerplate


Saucer is an opinionated template project for coffee/javascript development. It gets you up and running with the following tools:

and the frontend libs:

(if you don't need any of these, you can just delete them).


clone the source

git clone https://github.com/jbenet/saucer.git my-project
cd my-project

install dependencies

setup google closure

Move (or create a symlink to) the closure compiler jar to lib/closure/compiler.jar. For example, in osx:

% mv ~/Downloads/compiler-latest/compiler.jar lib/closure/.


% ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/closure-compiler/20120917/libexec/build/compiler.jar lib/closure/.

Initialize google closure-tools submodule:

% git submodule init
% git submodule update

install node modules

% npm install

source tree

Saucer organizes the code thus:

├── Gruntfile.coffee - the grunt task file
├── README.md        - this file
├── build            - the build directory, for compiled code
├── coffee           - coffeescript code
│   ├── src          - coffeescript source files
│   └── test         - coffeescript test files
├── js               - javascript code (generated from coffee/)
│   ├── deps.js      - generated dependencies file (closure)
│   ├── src          - javascript source files
│   └── test         - javascript test files
├── lib              - libraries
│   ├── bootstrap    - bootstrap js/css library
│   └── closure      - closure library + compiler
├── node_modules     - npm installed modules
└── package.json     - package info

grunt tasks

Available tasks (ignore others):

    coffee  Compile CoffeeScript files (coffee/ to js/)
      deps  Generates file dependencies (js/deps.js)
      test  Runs jasmine tests in the commandline.
testserver  Runs jasmine tests in a webserver.
   compile  Closure compiles the source (js/src/).
   default  Alias for "compile" task.
     watch  Watches coffee/ and re-runs "deps"
     clean  Clear files and folders (js/, build/)

Common workflow:


writing specs

Write your jasmine specs in the test part of the source tree. Your test directory should mirror your src directory, with every filename.{coffee,js} having a corresponding filename.spec.{coffee,js}. This one-to-one test to src correspondence:

For example, in coffeescript:

├── src
│   ├── hello.coffee
│   └── main.coffee
└── test
    ├── hello.spec.coffee
    └── main.spec.coffee

And in javascript:

├── deps.js
├── src
│   ├── hello.js
│   └── main.js
└── test
    ├── hello.spec.js
    └── main.spec.js

running from the command line

You can run the tests from the commandline (using phantomjs):

grunt --config Gruntfile.coffee test


running with a webserver

You can run the tests from the commandline (using phantomjs):

grunt --config Gruntfile.coffee testserver

