


A simple Rack middleware for checking application health. Pinglish exposes a /_ping resource via HTTP GET, returning JSON that conforms to the spec below.

The Spec

  1. The application must respond to GET /_ping as an HTTP request.

  2. The request handler should check the health of all services the application depends on, answering questions like, "Can I query against my MySQL database," "Can I create/read keys in Redis," or "How many docs are in my ElasticSearch index?"

  3. The response must return within 29 seconds. This is one second less than the default timeout for many monitoring services.

  4. The response must return an HTTP 200 OK status code if all health checks pass.

  5. The response must return an HTTP 503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE status code if any health checks fail.

  6. The response must be of Content-Type application/json; charset=UTF-8.

  7. The response must be valid JSON no matter what, even if JSON serialization or other fundamental code fails.

  8. The response must contain a "status" key set either to "ok" or "failures".

  9. The response must contain a "now" key set to the current server's time in seconds since epoch as a string.

  10. If the "status" key is set to "failures", the response may contain a "failures" key set to an Array of string names representing failed checks.

  11. If the "status" key is set to "failures", the response may contain a "timeouts" key set to an Array of string names representing checks that exceeded an implementation-specific individual timeout.

  12. The response body may contain any other top-level keys to supply additional data about services the application consumes, but all values must be strings, arrays of strings, or hashes where both keys and values are strings.

An Example Response


  // These two keys will always exist.

  "now": "1359055102",
  "status": "failures",

  // This key may only exist when a named check has failed.

  "failures": ["db"],

  // This key may only exist when a named check exceeds its timeout.

  "timeouts": ["really-long-check"],

  // Keys like this may exist to provide extra information about
  // healthy services, like the number of objects in an S3 bucket.

  "s3": "127"

The Middleware

require "pinglish"

use Pinglish do |ping|

  # A single unnamed check is the simplest possible way to use
  # Pinglish, and you'll probably never want combine it with other
  # named checks. An unnamed check contributes to overall success or
  # failure, but never adds additional data to the response.

  ping.check do

  # A named check like this can provide useful summary information
  # when it succeeds. In this case, a top-level "db" key will appear
  # in the response containing the number of items in the database. If
  # a check returns nil, no key will be added to the response.

  ping.check :db do

  # By default, checks time out after one second. You can override
  # this with the :timeout option, but be aware that no combination of
  # checks is ever allowed to exceed the overall 29 second limit.

  ping.check :long, :timeout => 5 do

  # Signal check failure by raising an exception. Any exception will do.
  ping.check :fails do
    raise "Everything's ruined."

  # Additionally, any check that returns false is counted as a failure.
  ping.check :false_fails do