

<p align="center"> <a href="https://blog.shodan.io/content/images/2015/02/shodan-logo-black.png"> <img src="https://blog.shodan.io/content/images/2015/02/shodan-logo-black.png" width="250"> </a> <h3 align="center">Compilation of SHODAN Filters</h3> </p> <p align="center"> <b> <a href="https://twitter.com/jjavierolmedo">🔗 Javier Olmedo</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="https://hackpuntes.com">HACKPUNTES 🌐</a> </b> </p> <h2></h2>

List of Shodan Filters

General Filters

afterOnly show results after the given date (dd/mm/yyyy) stringstring
asnAutonomous system number stringstring
beforeOnly show results before the given date (dd/mm/yyyy) stringstring
categoryAvailable categories: ics, malware stringstring
cityName of the city stringstring
country2-letter country code stringstring
geoAccepts between 2 and 4 parameters. If 2 parameters: latitude,longitude. If 3 parameters: latitude,longitude,range. If 4 parameters: top left latitude, top left longitude, bottom right latitude, bottom right longitude.string
hashHash of the data property integerinteger
has_ipv6True/ False booleanboolean
has_screenshotTrue/ False booleanboolean
hostnameFull hostname for the device stringstring
ipAlias for net filter stringstring
ispISP managing the netblock stringstring
netNetwork range in CIDR notation (ex. stringstring
orgOrganization assigned the netblock stringstring
osOperating system stringstring
portPort number for the service integerstring
postalPostal code (US-only) stringstring
productName of the software/ product providing the banner stringstring
regionName of the region/ state stringstring
stateAlias for region stringstring
versionVersion for the product stringstring
vulnCVE ID for a vulnerability stringstring

HTTP Filters

http.componentName of web technology used on the websitestring
http.component_categoryCategory of web components used on the websitestring
http.htmlHTML of web bannersstring
http.html_hashHash of the website HTMLinteger
http.statusResponse status codeinteger
http.titleTitle for the web banners websitestring

NTP Filters

ntp.ipIP addresses returned by monliststring
ntp.ip_countNumber of IPs returned by initial monlistinteger
ntp.moreTrue/ False; whether there are more IP addresses to be gathered from monlistboolean
ntp.portPort used by IP addresses in monlistinteger

SSL Filters

has_sslTrue / Falseboolean
sslSearch all SSL datastring
ssl.alpnApplication layer protocols such as HTTP/2 ("h2")string
ssl.chain_countNumber of certificates in the chaininteger
ssl.versionPossible values: SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1,TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2string
ssl.cert.algCertificate algorithmstring
ssl.cert.expiredTrue / Falseboolean
ssl.cert.extensionvNames of extensions in the certificatestring
ssl.cert.serialSerial number as an integer or hexadecimal stringinteger / string
ssl.cert.pubkey.bitsNumber of bits in the public keyinteger
ssl.cert.pubkey.typePublic key typestring
ssl.cipher.versionSSL version of the preferred cipherstring
ssl.cipher.bitsNumber of bits in the preferred cipherinteger
ssl.cipher.nameName of the preferred cipherstring

Telnet Filters

telnet.optionSearch all the optionsstring
telnet.doThe server requests the client do support these optionsstring
telnet.dontThe server requests the client to not support these optionsstring
telnet.willThe server supports these optionsstring
telnet.wontThe server doesnt support these optionsstring