


TorChat for Mac is a macOS native and unofficial port of torchat.


TorChat for Mac is written in Objective-C with Cocoa framework. The current version needs macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) minimum to work.


TorChat for Mac offers two modes : bundled mode and custom mode.

Bundle mode

This mode try to handle things for you. TorChat for Mac launch a bundled tor binary, configure it and configure a torchat address the first time. You have almost nothing to do to start to chat.

Benefits :

Drawback :

Custom mode

This mode just connect TorChat for Mac to an already existing configured tor instance.

Benefits :

Drawback :


Configuration file

All your settings are written on a file called torchat.conf - some other settings can be put in ~/Library/Preferences/com.SourceMac.TorChat.plist by macOS, but it's mainly settings related to interface (Windows positions, last preference panel selection, last directory selected, etc.). Nothing related to your buddies, chats, etc.

When you create a configuration file for the first time via the assistant, a configuration file is created accordingly to those specifications :

If you put TorChat in the Applications directory (first case), then it's supposed you want to respect standard macOS usage, and so we put stuff on the right places on your system. But if you put TorChat in another directory (second case), then we try to respond to those specific purposes :

When TorChat.app is launched, it tries to find the configuration file in these places :

Is none of this path can be opened, the assistant will either ask you to create a new configuration file, either ask you to select one manually.

Extra files

When you use TorChat in bundled mode, a tor instance is configured and launched for you. This configuration needs two distinct directory :

You can change the place and the name of those directories by going to the Preferences -> Locations panel settings. The "referral" is where your configuration file is, the "standard" is where you expect your file to be on a standard macOS application (~/Library/...), and "absolute" is absolute path.

Note: the tor binary is not launched from inside the TorChat.app bundle because it can be updated. And it's not recommended to modify the content of an application bundle.


File exchange

[Implemented but doc needs to be written]


[Implemented but doc needs to be written]


[Implemented but doc needs to be written]


If you want to test new versions of TorChat, send me a simple e-mail to torchat [at] sourcemac [dot] com.

I will send you betas or golden master versions some days before official releases, and if you have free time and motivation, you can peacefully test them and tell me if you saw problematic stuff. It's a best effort testing, so no pressure.