

<div ng-controller="GServGeneralDocsCtrl"> <h2 class="docs-sub-header">What is gServ?</h2> <span class="docs-content"> gServ is a tool for creating and deploying REST based services using Groovy without the hassle of a container (JBoss, Tomcat, etc.) . Using gServ, you can easily define REST resources as Groovy scripts or embed gServ in your application. gServ is perfect for creating lightweight micro services. </span>
        <ul class="docs-content">
            <li>Container Free
            <li>Serve static files
            <li>Serve Groovy script as REST resources
            <li><a href="https://github.com/javaConductor/gserv/wiki/gServ-HATEOAS"> HATEOAS Support</a>
            <li>Easy Content Negotiation
            <li>Plugin API
            <li><a href="https://github.com/javaConductor/gserv/wiki/gServ-Framework">Embeddable</a>
            <li><a href="https://github.com/javaConductor/gserv/wiki/gServ-Standalone">Standalone Mode</a>
            <li>CORS support
            <li>Compression support
            <li>ETag support
            <li>Basic Authentication
            <li> HTTPS
            <ul><li>Java JDK 1.6+</li>
                <li>Groovy 2.3+ (Framework only)</li>

<div class="docs-content">
    <h3>Basic Concepts</h3>
    <table width="90%" class="docs-content">
        <tr><th>Term</th>             <th>Meaning</th></tr>
        <tr><td>Action</td>      <td>HTTP request handler for a particular path/query/method combination.  </td></tr>
        <tr><td>Resources</td>      <td>Resources define actions for a particular root path (eg. /books) and its sub-resources (eg. /books/bestSellers). </td></tr>
        <tr><td>Server Config</td><td>The config encapsulates any resources, actions, filters, and plugins. </td></tr>
        <tr><td>Server Instance</td><td>This is the actual server instance that will listen to the specified port and handle
            requests based on its configuration.</td></tr>
</div> <span class="docs-sub-header">gServ can be used in two ways</span><br/> [Framework](https://github.com/javaConductor/gserv/wiki/gServ-Framework)<br/> [Standalone](https://github.com/javaConductor/gserv/wiki/gServ-Standalone) #Simple Examples <table> <tr><th colspan='2'> Creating REST Resources </th></tr> <tr><td> <pre>

/// create a GServ instance def gserv = new GServ()

/// Create a Books REST resource def bkResource = gserv.resource("/books") { // URI: /books/faq get “/faq”, file(“BooksFaq.html”)

// URI: /books/xyz
get “:id”, { id ->
    def book = bookService.get( id )
    writeJson book

// responds  to /books/all
get “/all”, {  ->
    def books = bookService.allBooks ()
    header “content-type”, “application/json”
    writeJSON books


</pre> </td></tr><tr> <td width='40%'> The root path is passed to the GServ.resource() method along with a closure defining the actions for the resource. </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan='2'> Creating a Server Instance </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <pre>

gserv.http { // setup a directory for static files static_root '/public/webapp'

//static FAQ page located at '/public/webapp/App.faq.html'
get '/faq', file("App.faq.html")


</pre> </td></tr> <tr><td> The http() method creates a GServInstance that can later listen on a port and handle HTTP requests. This server instance defines static roots usually used for templates for single-page apps and a single FAQ page. Then, after the server instance is returned from the http() method, we can immediately call start(8080) on it. </td> </tr> <tr><th colspan='2'> Adding Resources to a Server Instance </th> </tr><tr> <td> <pre>

def bkResource = gserv.resource("/books") { ... } def userResource = gserv.resource("/users") { ... }

gserv.http { // setup a directory for static files static_root "/public/webapp"

// static FAQ page located at '/public/webapp/App.faq.html'
get '/faq', file('App.faq.html')

/// add Book and User REST resources to our GServ instance
resource bkResource
resource userResource


</pre> </td> </tr> <tr><td> A server instance can be created by simply adding resources. Here we add our 2 resources: bkResources and userResources. Now, all URIs related to both resources are available once the instance is started. This instance also defines a static_root which tells gserv where to find static files such as the FAQ page which should be at /public/webapp/App.faq.html. </td> </tr> </table>