

Predicting 3D Human Dynamics from Video

Jason Y. Zhang, Panna Felsen, Angjoo Kanazawa, Jitendra Malik

University of California, Berkeley

Project Page

Teaser Image



Our code is licensed under BSD. Note that the SMPL model and any datasets still fall under their respective licenses.


virtualenv venv_phd -p python3
source venv_phd/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install numpy tensorflow-gpu==1.15.0
pip install torch==1.3.0  # Make sure the wheel corresponds to your CUDA Version
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd src/external
sh install_nmr.sh

Download the model weights from this Google Drive link. You should place them in phd/models.

Running Demo

Penn Action

Download the Penn Action dataset. You should place or symlink the dataset to phd/data/Penn_Action.

Running on one subsequence

--vid_id 0104 runs the model on video 0104 in Penn Action. The public model is conditioned on 15 images, so --start_frame 60 starts the conditioning window at 60, and future prediction will start on frame 76. --ar_length 25 sets the number of future predictions at 25, which is the prediction length the model was trained on. You can also try increasing ar_length, which usually looks reasonable until 35.

python demo.py --load_path models/phd.ckpt-199269 --vid_id 0104 --ar_length 25 --start_frame 60

For reference, this should be your output.

Running on multiple subsequences

You can also run at multiple starting points in the same sequence. --start_frame 0 --skip_rate 5 will run starting at frame 0, frame 5, frame 10, etc.

python demo.py --load_path models/phd.ckpt-199269 --vid_id 0104 --ar_length 25 --start_frame 0 --skip_rate 5 

For reference, this should be your output.

Running on Any Video

To run on a generic video, you will need a tracklet around the person. We extract the tracklet using PoseFlow.

Follow directions to download AlphaPose and Model Weights from https://github.com/MVIG-SJTU/AlphaPose.

Roughly, that should entail:

  1. Clone the repo to src/external
  2. Build AlphaPose using python setup.py build develop --user
  3. Download pre-trained weights to the specified directories. Use the ResNet50 Fast Pose from the Model Zoo.

Steps 1. and 2. can be done by running sh install_alphapose.sh in src/external

Now you should be able to run the model on any video, eg:

python demo.py --load_path models/phd.ckpt-199269 --vid_path data/0502.mp4 --start_frame 0 --ar_length 25

Training Code

Coming soon