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A Multi-User Dungeon ("MUD") server in Haskell. (If you are unfamiliar with the term "MUD," please refer to this Wikipedia article.)

CurryMUD is the hobby project and brainchild of a single developer. It's been in active development for 4 years, but is still very much a work in progress.

My goals

My aim is to create a unique, playable MUD. I am writing this MUD entirely in Haskell, from scratch.

Creating a framework which others can leverage to develop their own MUDs is not an explicit goal of mine, nor is this a collaborative effort (I am not accepting PRs). Having said that, the code is available here on GitHub, so other parties are free to examine the code and develop their own forks. Please refer to the license, which is a 3-clause BSD license with additional unique clauses regarding the creation of derivative MUDs.

CurryMUD will have the following features:

What I have so far

I am still in the initial stage of developing basic commands. There is very little content in the virtual world.

About the code

The code is available here on GitHub under this license (a 3-clause BSD license with additional unique clauses regarding the creation of derivative MUDs.) Please note that I am not accepting PRs.

How to try it out

Linux and macOS are supported. Sorry, but Windows is not supported.

Please build with stack:

  1. Install the pcre library if necessary. (On macOS, brew install pcre should be sufficient.)
  2. Install stack.
  3. Clone the repo from your home directory (the server expects to find various folders under $HOME/CurryMUD).
  4. Inside $HOME/CurryMUD, run stack setup to get GHC 8 on your machine. (The stack.yaml file points to a recent resolver using GHC 8.)
  5. Run stack build to compile the curry binary and libraries.
  6. Run stack install to copy the curry binary to $HOME/.local/bin.
  7. Execute the curry binary.
  8. Telnet to localhost port 9696 to play. (Better yet, use a MUD client.)

How to contact me

Feel free to email me at the address associated with my GitHub account if you have any questions.