

(This doc is a work in progress…)

NOTE: The “cpp” branch contains a “dumb” port of this project from C to C++, which I did for several reasons:

The Elevator Pitch...

J2 is a system that combines a minimalist programming language (“Edict”, for “executable dictionary”) with a C reflection/FFI system. It allows you to easily import shared libraries and use the datatypes, variables, and functions within it (at least the ones in global scope) directly, without needing to write any “glue” code.

For example, if I have a file “inc.c” containing:

typedef struct mystruct { int i; float f; } mystruct;
extern mystruct increment(mystruct x) { x.i+=1; x.f+=1; return x; }

...and I make a shared library out of it:

gcc --shared -g inc.c -o inc.so

...then I can import that shared library into the edict interpreter and get right to using it:

e> loadlib([inc.so]) @mylib
Finished curating module
e> mylib<mystruct! <2@i 4@f> @x increment(x)>/ stack!
        structure_type "struct mystruct" 
    member "i" 
    base_type "int" 0x3 (0x7f361c0121a0)
    member "f" 
    base_type "float" 5 (0x7f361c0121a4)

It looks simple, but there’s a lot going on here under the covers here...

Language Overview

“Edict” is a minimalist programming language that makes up for its simplicity by having the built-in ability to understand and dynamically bind with C libraries, providing "native" access to C types, variables, and methods, of arbitrary complexity, without writing wrappers or glue code. Alternatively, you can look at it as a reflection library for C programs that allows them to expose dynamic access to their own internals at runtime.

The language is built upon a foundation of three elements:

These three elements assemble themselves at runtime into a multi-purpose programmable environment. The system bootstraps itself by:

The evolution of Edict has been influenced by Forth, Lisp, Joy, Factor, Tcl, Mathematica, and others.

The Language

Key Points:

Listree (“List Tree”)

(NOTE: I found this "ZigZag" structure that is very similar (and predates) my Listree: https://www.nongnu.org/gzz/gi/gi.html)

The “Listree” is the core data structure of Edict and the VM which implements it. An instance of a Listree consists simply of a Listree Value, which contains:

The possibility of a Listree Value to contain (labeled) references to other Listree Values is what makes the Listree a “hierarchical” or “recursive” data structure. The Listree is at both the core of Edict and the system which implements it.

*It’s not explicit in this simple explanation (and that’s on purpose), but each label actually refers to a list of references to other Listree Values.

As mentioned, the VM maintains all of its state within a Listree Value, including “Data Stack” and “Dictionary” sub-Listrees, among several others.

In Edict, there are two types of data values, but values of both types are stored using Listree Values which exist either on the VM’s Data Stack or within its Dictionary.


The simplest type of value is a "literal". Literals are just text, delineated by square brackets:

[This is a literal]

If you come from a LISP background, you might think that the interpreter breaks literals down into s-expressions, but this is not the case. Everything between the brackets is represented “literally” in a Listree Value’s “data buffer”.

The Edict interpreter keeps track of nested square brackets, so:

[This is a [nested] literal]

is interpreted as a single literal with the value "This is a [nested] literal".

A "" character appearing in the definition of a literal "escapes" the next character, allowing the interpreter to create literals containing (for instance) unbalanced square brackets:

[This is a literal containing an unbalanced \[ bracket]

When the interpreter comes across one, literal values (or rather, references to the value -- an important distinction) are simply placed on the data stack.

OTOH, the interpreter does a little more processing on anything that’s not a literal. (There are other kinds of values that are not literals, which I’ll discuss in a later section…)

The (Hierarchical) Dictionary

The Edict programmer can assign names to values on the stack, and subsequently refer to those values by those names. Assignment looks simply like this:


Assignment of a name to a value actually does several things:

When the interpreter sees a reference to a label, that reference is replaced by a reference to the value associated with that label… In other words:


Edict is different from other languages in one important way. Many languages are “homoiconic”, i.e. code and data are represented using the same underlying structures. (LISP is a traditional example of a homoiconic language.) Edict is neither homoiconic nor non-homoiconic: It doesn’t have “functions” at all. It simply has an evaluation operator which can be applied to values.

A basic “function-like” thing in Edict might look like:


(Assign the label “x” to the value “1”.)

Note that it is just a literal.

To invoke it, the evaluation operator is used:


The outcome of this is exactly the same as if the interpreter had just directly read the following:


All the evaluation operator does is feed the contents of the top of the top of the stack to the interpreter.

Now: recall that labels can be assigned to values, and that labels can be invoked to recall their values, and those values are pushed to the stack, and that the evaluation operator feeds the contents of the stack back into the interpreter:


This little sequence does the following:

Library Import/Reflection

Edict can import C library types and global variable/function information via the debugging section (DWARF) of a library, if it’s available. The DWARF information is processed and stored in the dictionary, and the VM can “understand” this information and present it within the Edict interpreter using the same simple “native” syntax that operates on literal values.


<table> <tr> <td>REF </td> <td>Reference </td> </tr> <tr> <td>-REF </td> <td>Reference (tail) </td> </tr> <tr> <td>@ </td> <td>Assignment to TOS </td> </tr> <tr> <td>@REF </td> <td>Assignment to Reference </td> </tr> <tr> <td>/ </td> <td>Release TOS </td> </tr> <tr> <td>/REF </td> <td>Release REF </td> </tr> <tr> <td>^REF </td> <td>MetaReference </td> </tr> <tr> <td>REF^ </td> <td>Merge top stack layer to REF </td> </tr> <tr> <td>^REF^ (^REF + ^) </td> <td>MetaReference and Merge Top Stack Layer to REF </td> </tr> <tr> <td>! </td> <td>Evaluate TOS </td> </tr> <tr> <td>TOS&lt;...> </td> <td>“Evaluate In Dict-Context” :Push TOS to dict, evaluate contents of &lt;...>, pop top of dict stack to TOS. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>TOS(...) </td> <td>“Evaluate in Code-Context”: Push null stack/dict layers, Push TOS to code stack, Evaluate contents of parens, evaluate top of code stack, discard top of Dict, concatenate top of stack to previous layer. </td> </tr> </table>


A simple reflective program:

int! [3]@ square! stack!


<table> <tr> <td><code>int</code> </td> <td>Lookup and push value of “int” (a native C type) onto the stack </td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>!</code> </td> <td>Evaluate top-of-stack, in this case allocate an instance of an “int” </td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>[3]</code> </td> <td>Push the literal “3” onto the stack </td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>@</code> </td> <td>Assignment; in this case, string “3” is automatically coerced into a C “int” </td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>square</code> </td> <td>Lookup and push the value of “square” (a native C method) onto the stack </td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>!</code> </td> <td>Evaluate top-of-stack, in this case an FFI call to native C method “square” </td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>stack</code> </td> <td>Lookup and push the value of “stack” (a native C method) onto the stack </td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>!</code> </td> <td>Evaluate top of stack... </td> </tr> </table>

You'll see int 0x9, i.e. 3 squared.

The explicit creation and assignment of a C integer is shown only for the example; a simpler version would be:

[3] square! stack!

The same coercion would have been performed automatically during the marshalling of FFI arguments.

Note that "code" does not evaluate automatically; Evaluation is invoked explicitly via "!". Code is just data until you decide to "run" it:

<table> <tr> <td><code>[3] square stack!</code> </td> <td>data and "code" on stack, unevaluated </td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>! stack!</code> </td> <td>Evaluate TOS and observe results </td> </tr> </table>


[@n int_iszero(n) 1 | int_mul(fact(int_dec(n)) n)]@fact


In a Listree, a VALUE contains a dictionary of KEY/CLL pairs, where each CLL ("circularly-linked-list", implementing a double-ended queue) contains one or more references to VALUEs, each of which contains a dictionary of... And so on. The KEY/DEQ component of a listree is a BST implementation based on Arne Andersson's "simple" rbtree variation. (http://user.it.uu.se/~arnea/ps/simp.pdf)

The VM

The VM is very simple; It evaluates bytecodes, each of which is an index into an array of C methods that implements the bytecode.

<table> <tr> <td>RESET </td> <td>Clear LIT </td> </tr> <tr> <td>EXT </td> <td>Decode character sequence and set LIT ("[one two 3]", "a.b.c") </td> </tr> <tr> <td>EXT_PUSH </td> <td>Push LIT onto data stack </td> </tr> <tr> <td>REF </td> <td>Create dictionary reference REF from LIT </td> </tr> <tr> <td>DEREF </td> <td>Resolve REF in dictionary </td> </tr> <tr> <td>ASSIGN </td> <td>Pop top of data stack and insert into the dictionary at location REF ("@") </td> </tr> <tr> <td>REMOVE </td> <td>Release value at REF </td> </tr> <tr> <td>EVAL </td> <td>pop top of data stack and A) call FFI, or B) push onto CODE stack and YIELD VM </td> </tr> <tr> <td>CTX_PUSH </td> <td>Pop top of data stack and push it to head of dictionary stack, push new layer to data stack </td> </tr> <tr> <td>CTX_POP </td> <td>Fuse top two layers of data stack, pop head of dictionary stack and push it to data stack </td> </tr> <tr> <td>FUN_PUSH </td> <td>Pop top of data stack and push onto func stack, add layer to data stack, add a null layer to dictionary </td> </tr> <tr> <td>FUN_EVAL </td> <td>Push {FUN_POP} to code stack, pop top of func stack and do "EVAL" </td> </tr> <tr> <td>FUN_POP </td> <td>Fuse top two stack layers, discard null dictionary layer </td> </tr> <tr> <td>THROW </td> <td>Throw an exception* </td> </tr> <tr> <td>CATCH </td> <td>Catch an exception* </td> </tr> </table>

*Exceptions are how both VM errors and conditionals are implemented, and they fiddle with the state of the VM a little more than the average operation, deserving their own paragraph.

This simple suite of operations is sufficient to interact with the dictionary, recursively evaluate language constructs (the VM is a stackless implementation), and most importantly, exploit C types, functions, and data. It is a bare-bones framework that relies on its tight coupling to C in order to extend its capabilities effortlessly.


(Any GNU/Linux distro worth its salt has these:

To run: Assuming gcc, cmake, and libraries are not too ancient, simply run "make" to build and get into the REPL.