

Experimental Suricata Training Environment


This training environment requires Docker and Docker compose. These can be installed on Windows, Mac and Linux with Docker Desktop: https://www.docker.com/products/personal/

If on Linux, Docker and Docker-Compose are likely available from your package manager.


First clone this git repository:

git clone https://github.com/jasonish/experimental-suricata-training

**NOTE:_ Depending on how you installed docker the command might be docker-compose or docker compose.

Then docker-compose up:

cd experimental-suricata-training
docker-compose up

To access the training environment CLI:

docker-compose exec suricata bash

To access EveBox for visual event display go to http://localhost:5636 with a browser on your machine.

Replaying a PCAP

To replay a PCAP first enter the training environment CLI (see above), then run the following command:

./suri-replay-pcap.sh ../pcaps/purplefox-exploit-kit-with-powershell-payloads.pcap