

Geany Development Plugin for Common Lisp

This "works on my machine" but is not well tested. Use at your own risk



PREFIX=$HOME ./configure

Current Features


This plugin will not do anything until a project has been configured to use the plugin. To do so, open the project you wish to enable to do so and select "Project->Enable GLisp on project" from the menu. This will install a local quicklisp to PROJECT_ROOT/quicklisp, and create an ASDF template using quickproject in PROJECT_ROOT/lisp. It will then alter the project file with an option that includes the command for launching your lisp executable. This defaults to "sbcl --no-sysinit --no-userinit" if you change to a different lisp implementation, ensure that similar options are passed to prevent personal and system configuration initialization scripts from runing.

Known Bugs

Unknown Bugs

Probably a lot.