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Join the chat at https://gitter.im/jaruba/PowderPlayer <br/><br/> Powder is the future of all torrent requirements, it's a hybrid between a Torrent Client (Peerflix) and a Customized Player (WebChimera.js).

It can do everything that a Torrent Client can, everything that a Video/Audio Player can and much more!

When streaming a Video from a Torrent, you can Right Click and select Torrent Data in order to see the Torrent Control Panel.

Building Instructions

Current Features


<img src="http://powder.media/screenshots/PowderPlayer-new-1.png"> <img src="http://powder.media/screenshots/PowderPlayer-new-2.png"> <img src="http://powder.media/screenshots/PowderPlayer-new-3.png">