

<!-- README.md is generated from README.Rmd. Please edit that file -->

Live Training

This is an empty repo to initialize an R project for training courses organized by Lander Analytics.


To get started run the following code to install the latest version of the necessary packages.

<pre class='sourceCode r'><code class='sourceCode r'> packages <- c('caret', 'coefplot', 'DBI', 'dbplyr', 'doParallel', 'dygraphs', 'foreach', 'ggthemes', 'glmnet', 'jsonlite', 'leaflet', 'odbc', 'recipes', 'rmarkdown', 'rprojroot', 'RSQLite', 'rvest', 'tidyverse', 'threejs', 'usethis', 'UsingR', 'xgboost', 'XML', 'xml2') install.packages(packages) </code></pre>

Project Structure

Making use of RStudio projects greatly improves the user experience. To facilitate this users should run the following code which will recreate this project on their computer. Be sure to select the positive prompts such as yes, yeah, etc.

newProject <- usethis::use_course('https://github.com/jaredlander/WorkshopExampleRepo/archive/master.zip')

After that runs successfully you will have a new folder holding the R project that looks like this (the name in the image may be different).

If a new project did not open automatically, either double-click the file called WorkshopExampleRepo.Rproj or run the following line of code.


After running this code, or double-clicking that file, you will be in an RStudio Project called WorkshopExampleRepo (the name in the image may be different). You can see this in the top right of RStudio.

Clone this Repo

Alternatively, if you use git then please clone this repo then open it as an RStudio Project.

# if using SSH
git clone git@github.com:jaredlander/WorkshopExampleRepo.git

# if using https
git clone https://github.com/jaredlander/WorkshopExampleRepo.git


Data for the class is kept at data.world. You can sign up for a free account or run the following code. This requires that you are using an RStudio Project setup exactly like this repo, which is done if you followed the preceding code.
