


Azure storage watcher for Warden

For information on how to setup your Warden please refer to the Warden documentation

Azure Storage Watcher can be used to run specific queries on the storage (for example, validating a table or entity exists, a BLOB exists etc). By default the watcher only created a CloudStorageClient for further use by the consumer of the watcher.


Available as a NuGet package.

Install-Package Warden.Watchers.AzureStorage


Azure Storage Watcher can be configured by using the AzureStorageWatcherConfiguration class or via the lambda expression passed to a specialized constructor.

Example of adding the watcher directly to the Warden via one of the extension methods:

var wardenConfiguration = WardenConfiguration
    .AddAzureStorageWatcher("Storage account", "connectionString", cfg =>
          storageAccount => {
            var tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
            return tableClient.GetTableReference("ExampleTable").Exists();