Ruby Sugar Refinery
The Ruby Sugar Refinery is a collection of tiny refinements (declarative local core extensions) for Ruby.
Setup & usage
Add to Gemfile:
gem 'sugar_refinery', require: 'sugar_refinery/all'
Then add refinements to the current Ruby file or module:
using SugarRefinery::CamelSnake
using SugarRefinery::HashZip
"ClassName".to_snake # => "class_name" [1,2,3], [4,5,6] # => {1=>4, 2=>5, 3=>6}
List of included refinements
Please see the documentation, the code or the specs!
The Sugar Refinery was Zucker before
This collection of core extensions used to be called zucker.
Missing former functionality? It might have been extracted into a separate micro gem:
- iterate | Control structure-like iteration
- instance_variables_from | Auto-assign instance variables
- egonil | Egocentric nil
- debugging | Print debugging helpers
- procstar | Beyond symbol2proc
- ruby_info | Misc information about the Ruby environment
- ruby_version | Smart Ruby version accessor
- ruby_engine | Smar Ruby engine accessor
Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Jan Lelis, released under the MIT license