

Remix French House Stack ๐Ÿชฉ

The Remix French House Stack

The Remix Stack for Web2, Web3 and Web5 ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ•บ

Learn more about Remix Stacks.

npx create-remix --template ten-x-dev/french-house-stack

What's in the Stack? ๐Ÿค”

The French House Stack is a starter template for SaaS apps in general, but also for developing DApps by using Magic. However, Magic is perfectly suited for a regular Web2 app, too.


This stack pinned all version of its dependencies in order to ensure that it always works. You can use

npx npm-check-updates -u

to check for updates and install the latest versions.

Development ๐Ÿ› 

Getting Started

This starts your app in development mode, rebuilding assets on file changes.

Dev with Mocks

You can run the app with MSW mocking requests to third party services by running:

npm run dev-with-mocks

mocking requests from both the client and the server, or

npm run dev-with-server-mocks

mocking only requests from the server.

Make sure you run npx msw init ./public once before you run this command to initialize the MSW service worker. It should create a file in /public/mockServiceWorker.js for you.

This is useful for developing offline or without hitting any API.

By default, MSW is used in the French House Stack to mock requests to Magic in your E2E tests. Check out playwright/e2e/user-authentication/logout.spec.ts and app/test/mocks/handlers/magic.ts to see how to use MSW on the server.

Prisma helper scripts

Generating boilerplate

This repository uses Plop to automate the generation of common boilerplate.

Run npm run gen and then choose what you want to create, e.g.:

$ npm run gen

> gen
> plop

? What do you want to generate? React component
? For what feature do you want to generate the React component? user profile
? What is the name of the React component? user name
โœ”  ++ /app/features/user-profile/user-name-component.tsx
โœ”  ++ /app/features/user-profile/user-name-component.test.tsx

Out of the box, there are three options:


We're using flat routes, a feature which will ship natively with Remix, soon.

You can check out this video for an in-depth explanation.

How authentication works ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ

The French House Stack uses Magic for authentication with a custom session cookie. You can find the implementation in app/features/user-authentication.

Magic keeps track of the user's session in a cookie, but the FHS ignores Magic's session and uses a session cookie instead. This is because Magic's sessions only last 2 weeks, while the cookie lasts a year. Additionally, it makes E2E tests easier because you can fully control the auth flow.

After a user successfully authenticates via Magic, you create a unique session in your system, tracked by UserAuthSession. This session ID is then securely stored in our session cookie, which we manage using Remix's session utils. The code for managing these sessions is located in app/features/user-authentication/user-authentication-session.server.ts.

The use of custom auth sessions enables you to to proactively invalidate sessions is necessary.

If the user is signing up, you also create a user profile for them using their email, which you can grab from Magic during the sign up flow.

When a user signs out, you delete the UserAuthSession and clear the session cookie.

ShadcnUI & Custom Components

ShadcnUI is configured in the "New York" setting, but it uses icons from lucide-react, so when generating a component you need to switch out that import because the "New York" setting usually uses icons from @radix-ui/react-icons. lucide-react is used because it has a wider selection of icons.

In addition to the components from ShadcnUI, the French House Stack comes with some custom components:


The French House Stack comes with localization support through remix-i18next.

The namespaces live in public/locales/.

Remember to add new namespaces to app/features/localization/i18next.server.ts to make them available in the server bundle and to app/test/i18n.ts to make sure they're available in the React component tests.


The French House Stack comes with error reporting using Sentry build in.

To use it, you need to set the SENTRY_DSN environment variable. You can get this value from your Sentry project.

If you want to configure source maps, look up how to do that in the Sentry docs.


The French House Stack includes utilities for toast notifications based on flash sessions.

Flash Data: Temporary session values, ideal for transferring data to the next request without persisting in the session.

Redirect with Toast:

Direct Toast Headers:

Combining Multiple Headers:

GitHub Actions

We use GitHub Actions for pull request checks. Any pull request triggers checks such as linting, type checks, unit tests and E2E tests.

Check out the Remix team's official stacks to learn how to use GitHub Actions for continuous integration and deployment.

Testing ๐Ÿงช

Playwright ๐ŸŽญ

Note: make sure you've run npm run dev at least one time before you run the E2E tests!

We use Playwright for our End-to-End tests in this project. You'll find those in the playwright/ directory. As you make changes to your app, add to an existing file or create a new file in the playwright/e2e directory to test your changes.

Playwright natively features testing library selectors for selecting elements on the page semantically.

To run these tests in development, run npm run test:e2e which will start the dev server for the app as well as the Playwright client.

Note: You might need to run npx playwright install to install the Playwright browsers before running your tests for the first time.

Problems with ShadcnUI

Some of the colors of ShadcnUI's components are lacking the necessary contrast.

You can deactivate those elements in checks like this:

const accessibilityScanResults = await new AxeBuilder({ page })

// or

const accessibilityScanResults = await new AxeBuilder({ page })

or pick a color scheme like "purple" that has good contrast.

VSCode Extension

If you're using VSCode, you can install the Playwright extension for a better developer experience.


We have a utility for testing authenticated features without having to go through the login flow:

test('something that requires an authenticated user', async ({ page }) => {
  await loginByCookie({ page });
  // ... your tests ...

Check out the playwright/utils.ts file for other utility functions.


To mark a test as todo in Playwright, you have to use .fixme().

test('something that should be done later', ({}, testInfo) => {

test.fixme('something that should be done later', async ({ page }) => {
  // ...

test('something that should be done later', ({ page }) => {
  // ...

The version using testInfo.fixme() is the "preferred" way and can be picked up by the VSCode extension.

Vitest โšก๏ธ

For lower level tests of utilities and individual components, we use vitest. We have DOM-specific assertion helpers via @testing-library/jest-dom.

By default, Vitest runs tests in the "happy-dom" environment. However, test files that have .server in the name will be run in the "node" environment.

Test Scripts

Type Checking

This project uses TypeScript. It's recommended to get TypeScript set up for your editor to get a really great in-editor experience with type checking and auto-complete. To run type checking across the whole project, run npm run type-check.


This project uses ESLint for linting. That is configured in .eslintrc.cjs.


We use Prettier for auto-formatting in this project. It's recommended to install an editor plugin (like the VSCode Prettier plugin) to get auto-formatting on save. There's also a npm run format script you can run to format all files in the project.

Next Steps ๐Ÿš€

Remove the license

Remember to remove the MIT license and add your own license if you're building a commercial app.

Pick a Database

The French House Stack comes with a SQLite database out of the box. It uses Prisma to abstract away the database layer, so you can easily switch it out for another database.

If you're looking for inspiration for a centralized database, check out the Blues Stack for a enterprise grade PostgeSQL setup.

If you build a DApp, you might want to use the IPFS or something like 3Box.

Pick a Blockchain

Magic is compatible with a variety of blockchains. The most popular for DApps is Ethereum and the most popular chain in general is Bitcoin.


Learn how you can deploy your Remix app here. For examples of setups you can check out the official Remix stacks.

Explore Magic

The French House Stack comes with a magic link setup via email preconfigured. However, Magic also offers social auth (e.g. for Google), multi-factor auth and WebAuthn.

Note: the included cookie based authentication with createCookieSessionStorage is set up as recommended by the Magic docs. However, it doesn't work for Web3 functions. You'll need to stay logged in with Magic to work with any chain.


Here is a list of things this app could use:


Now go out there make some magic! ๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ