Generation of accessor and iteration functions for ocaml records.
is a ppx rewriter that can be used to define:
- first-class values representing record fields
- additional functions to:
- get and set record fields
- iterate and fold over all fields of a record
- create new record values
Basic Usage
One common use of ppx_fields_conv
is to derive accessor functions on record types.
For example, one can derive getters
on the following simple record type:
type t = {
dir : [ `Buy | `Sell ];
quantity : int;
price : float;
mutable cancelled : bool;
} [@@deriving fields ~getters]
Which produces functions with the following signatures:
val cancelled : t -> bool
val price : t -> float
val quantity : t -> int
val dir : t -> [ `Buy | `Sell ]
Selecting definitions
The [@@deriving fields]
clause accepts selectors specifying which definitions it
should provide. Use ~getters
and ~setters
to explicitly select toplevel accessors,
to select Field.t
values, and ~names
to select Fields.names
. Use
with a tuple containing names chosen from create
, make_creator
, and so
on, to select elements of Fields
. Use ~direct_iterators
with a tuple of names to
select elements of Fields.Direct
. For example:
type t = { x : int; y : int }
[@@deriving fields ~getters ~fields ~iterators:(fold, iter)]
The above defines the accessors x
and y
, the field values
and Fields.y
, Fields.fold
, and Fields.iter
By default, [@@deriving fields]
with no selectors derives all of the functions below
except Fields.fold_right
and Direct_iterator.fold_right
. This behavior can be changed
with the -deriving-fields-require-selectors
command-line argument, which currently
defaults to false
. Passing true
instead causes [@@derving fields]
with no selectors
to produce an error during preprocessing.
Implicitly-selected definitions
The definitions of several of these functions depend on the getters
, setters
, and
definitions. As a result, some of their dependencies might be derived in *.ml
files, even if they were not explicitly indicated in the selector list. Specifically, in
structures (and in the toplevel of *.ml
[@@deriving fields ~fields]
also derives the functions under~getters
[@@deriving fields ~iterators:_]
and[@@deriving fields ~direct_iterators:_]
(for any legal arguments toiterators
; see below) also derives~fields
(which transitively derives~getters
It's fine to use these "free" derived functions in the *.ml
. However, to expose them in
s, one must explicitly include them in the selector list, since
[@@deriving fields]
, when used in signatures, only derives declarations for exactly the
requested functions (and not their dependencies).
Full list of selectors
The full list of permitted selectors and the signatures of the corresponding functions follows:
<!--BEGIN type_decl-->type t = {
dir : [ `Buy | `Sell ];
quantity : int;
price : float;
mutable cancelled : bool;
} [@@deriving
( create
, make_creator
, exists
, fold
, fold_right
, for_all
, iter
, map
, to_list
, map_poly )
(exists, fold, fold_right, for_all, iter, map, to_list, set_all_mutable_fields)]
then code will be generated for functions of the following type:
<!--BEGIN generated_sig-->(* getters *)
val cancelled : t -> bool [@@zero_alloc]
val price : t -> float [@@zero_alloc]
val quantity : t -> int [@@zero_alloc]
val dir : t -> [ `Buy | `Sell ] [@@zero_alloc]
(* setters *)
val set_cancelled : t -> bool -> unit [@@zero_alloc]
(* higher order fields and functions over all fields *)
module Fields : sig
val names : string list
val cancelled : (t, bool ) Field.t
val price : (t, float ) Field.t
val quantity : (t, int ) Field.t
val dir : (t, [ `Buy | `Sell ]) Field.t
val create
: dir : [ `Buy | `Sell ]
-> quantity : int
-> price : float
-> cancelled : bool
-> t
val make_creator
: dir : ((t, [ `Buy | `Sell ]) Field.t -> 'a -> ('arg -> [ `Buy | `Sell ]) * 'b)
-> quantity : ((t, int ) Field.t -> 'b -> ('arg -> int ) * 'c)
-> price : ((t, float ) Field.t -> 'c -> ('arg -> float ) * 'd)
-> cancelled : ((t, bool ) Field.t -> 'd -> ('arg -> bool ) * 'e)
-> 'a -> ('arg -> t) * 'e
val fold
: init : 'a
-> dir : local_ ('a -> (t, [ `Buy | `Sell ]) Field.t -> 'b)
-> quantity : local_ ('b -> (t, int ) Field.t -> 'c)
-> price : local_ ('c -> (t, float ) Field.t -> 'd)
-> cancelled : local_ ('d -> (t, bool ) Field.t -> 'e)
-> 'e
val fold_right
: dir : local_ ((t, [ `Buy | `Sell ]) Field.t -> 'd -> 'e)
-> quantity : local_ ((t, int ) Field.t -> 'c -> 'd)
-> price : local_ ((t, float ) Field.t -> 'b -> 'c)
-> cancelled : local_ ((t, bool ) Field.t -> 'a -> 'b)
-> init : 'a
-> 'e
val map
: dir : local_ ((t, [ `Buy | `Sell ]) Field.t -> [ `Buy | `Sell ])
-> quantity : local_ ((t, int ) Field.t -> int)
-> price : local_ ((t, float ) Field.t -> float)
-> cancelled : local_ ((t, bool ) Field.t -> bool)
-> t
val iter
: dir : local_ ((t, [ `Buy | `Sell ]) Field.t -> unit)
-> quantity : local_ ((t, int ) Field.t -> unit)
-> price : local_ ((t, float ) Field.t -> unit)
-> cancelled : local_ ((t, bool ) Field.t -> unit)
-> unit
val for_all
: dir : local_ ((t, [ `Buy | `Sell ]) Field.t -> bool)
-> quantity : local_ ((t, int ) Field.t -> bool)
-> price : local_ ((t, float ) Field.t -> bool)
-> cancelled : local_ ((t, bool ) Field.t -> bool)
-> bool
val exists
: dir : local_ ((t, [ `Buy | `Sell ]) Field.t -> bool)
-> quantity : local_ ((t, int ) Field.t -> bool)
-> price : local_ ((t, float ) Field.t -> bool)
-> cancelled : local_ ((t, bool ) Field.t -> bool)
-> bool
val to_list
: dir : local_ ((t, [ `Buy | `Sell ]) Field.t -> 'a)
-> quantity : local_ ((t, int ) Field.t -> 'a)
-> price : local_ ((t, float ) Field.t -> 'a)
-> cancelled : local_ ((t, bool ) Field.t -> 'a)
-> 'a list
val map_poly : local_ ([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, 'a) Field.user -> 'a list
(** Functions that take a record directly *)
module Direct : sig
val fold
: t
-> init : 'a
-> dir : local_ ('a -> (t, [ `Buy | `Sell ]) Field.t -> t -> [ `Buy | `Sell ] -> 'b)
-> quantity : local_ ('b -> (t, int ) Field.t -> t -> int -> 'c)
-> price : local_ ('c -> (t, float ) Field.t -> t -> float -> 'd)
-> cancelled : local_ ('d -> (t, bool ) Field.t -> t -> bool -> 'e)
-> 'e
val fold_right
: t
-> dir : local_ ((t, [ `Buy | `Sell ]) Field.t -> t -> [ `Buy | `Sell ] -> 'd -> 'e)
-> quantity : local_ ((t, int ) Field.t -> t -> int -> 'c -> 'd)
-> price : local_ ((t, float ) Field.t -> t -> float -> 'b -> 'c)
-> cancelled : local_ ((t, bool ) Field.t -> t -> bool -> 'a -> 'b)
-> init:'a
-> 'e
val map
: t
-> dir : local_ ((t, [ `Buy | `Sell ]) Field.t -> t -> [ `Buy | `Sell ] -> [ `Buy | `Sell ])
-> quantity : local_ ((t, int ) Field.t -> t -> int -> int)
-> price : local_ ((t, float ) Field.t -> t -> float -> float)
-> cancelled : local_ ((t, bool ) Field.t -> t -> bool -> bool)
-> t
val iter
: t
-> dir : local_ ((t, [ `Buy | `Sell ]) Field.t -> t -> [ `Buy | `Sell ] -> unit)
-> quantity : local_ ((t, int ) Field.t -> t -> int -> unit)
-> price : local_ ((t, float ) Field.t -> t -> float -> unit)
-> cancelled : local_ ((t, bool ) Field.t -> t -> bool -> unit)
-> unit
val for_all
: t
-> dir : local_ ((t, [ `Buy | `Sell ]) Field.t -> t -> [ `Buy | `Sell ] -> bool)
-> quantity : local_ ((t, int ) Field.t -> t -> int -> bool)
-> price : local_ ((t, float ) Field.t -> t -> float -> bool)
-> cancelled : local_ ((t, bool ) Field.t -> t -> bool -> bool)
-> bool
val exists
: t
-> dir : local_ ((t, [ `Buy | `Sell ]) Field.t -> t -> [ `Buy | `Sell ] -> bool)
-> quantity : local_ ((t, int ) Field.t -> t -> int -> bool)
-> price : local_ ((t, float ) Field.t -> t -> float -> bool)
-> cancelled : local_ ((t, bool ) Field.t -> t -> bool -> bool)
-> bool
val to_list
: t
-> dir : local_ ((t, [ `Buy | `Sell ]) Field.t -> t -> [ `Buy | `Sell ] -> 'a)
-> quantity : local_ ((t, int ) Field.t -> t -> int -> 'a)
-> price : local_ ((t, float ) Field.t -> t -> float -> 'a)
-> cancelled : local_ ((t, bool ) Field.t -> t -> bool -> 'a)
-> 'a list
val set_all_mutable_fields : local_ t -> cancelled:bool -> unit [@@zero_alloc]
Use of [@@deriving fields]
in an *.mli
will extend the signature for functions with
the above types; In an *.ml
, definitions will be generated.
is defined in Fieldslib
, including:
type ('perm, 'record, 'field) t_with_perm
type ('record, 'field) t = ([ `Read | `Set_and_create], 'record, 'field) t_with_perm
val name : (_, _, _) t_with_perm -> string
val get : (_, 'r, 'a) t_with_perm -> 'r -> 'a
Zero_alloc attribute
By default, ppx_fields_conv
will generate [@@zero_alloc]
attributes for all getters,
setters, and set_all_mutable_fields
. It is possible, however, that the generated
implementations for a given record may actually allocate, causing the compiler to complain
(this can happen e.g. if your record contains all float fields, or you mask the generated
code with custom definitions). In these instance you can tag your record with an
additional attribute [@@fields.no_zero_alloc]
to disable adding the [@@zero_alloc]
type t = { x : Some_float_type.t }
[@@deriving fields ~getters]
Functions over all fields
Use of the generated functions together with Fieldslib
allow us to
define functions over t which check exhaustiveness w.r.t record
fields, avoiding common semantic errors which can occur when a record
is extended with new fields but we forget to update functions.
For example if you are writing a custom equality operator to ignore small price differences:
let ( = ) a b : bool =
let use op = fun field ->
op (Field.get field a) (Field.get field b)
let price_equal p1 p2 = Float.abs (p1 -. p2) < 0.001 in
~dir:(use (=)) ~quantity:(use (=))
~price:(use price_equal) ~cancelled:(use (=))
A type error would occur if you were to add a new field and not change
the definition of ( = )
type t = {
dir : [ `Buy | `Sell ];
quantity : int;
price : float;
mutable cancelled : bool;
symbol : string;
} [@@deriving fields ~iterators:(for_all, fold)]
Error: This expression has type
symbol:(([< `Read | `Set_and_create ], t, string) Field.t_with_perm ->
bool) ->
but an expression was expected of type bool
Or similarly you could use fold
to create to_string
let to_string t =
let conv to_s = fun acc f ->
(sprintf "%s: %s" ( f) (to_s (Field.get f t))) :: acc
let fs =
Fields.fold ~init:[]
~dir:(conv (function `Buy -> "Buy" | `Sell -> "Sell"))
~quantity:(conv Int.to_string)
~price:(conv Float.to_string)
~cancelled:(conv Bool.to_string)
String.concat fs ~sep:", "
Addition of a new field would cause a type error reminding you to
update the definition of to_string