

Spherical Harmonic Lighting

An experimental project to explore global illumination techniques that use Spherical Harmonics.



Default Diffuse Lighting

Note the soft shadow being cast from the monkey head onto the ground.

Default Lighting

HDR Probe Diffuse Lighting

Rendered using the Grace Cathedral light probe.

HDR Probe Lighting

Default Glossy Lighting

Default Glossy

HDR Probe Glossy Lighting

Rendered using the Grace Cathedral light probe.

HDR Probe Glossy

Diffuse Interreflection

Note the ambient lighting that is being reflected from the green cube and the red floor onto the monkey head.

Diffuse Self Transfer

Glossy Interreflection

Note the ambient lighting that is being reflected from the green cube and the red floor onto the monkey head.

Glossy Interreflection


A debug rendering of the BVH (Bounding Volume Hierarchy) structure used to raytrace the monkey head mesh.



The project should work out of the box with Visual Studio 2017 or above.

The program makes use of .dat files to store the transfer coefficients of each model. These files are not included in the git repository and will be reconstructed upon running the program for the first time. This process might take a little while to complete.

