

Transformers for Panoramic Semantic Segmentation (Trans4PASS & Trans4PASS+)

Bending Reality: Distortion-aware Transformers for Adapting to Panoramic Semantic Segmentation, CVPR 2022, [PDF]. trans4pass

Behind Every Domain There is a Shift: Adapting Distortion-aware Vision Transformers for Panoramic Semantic Segmentation, arxiv preprint, [PDF]. trans4pass+







conda create -n trans4pass python=3.8
conda activate trans4pass
cd ~/path/to/trans4pass 
conda install pytorch==1.8.0 torchvision==0.9.0 torchaudio==0.8.0 cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
pip install mmcv-full==1.3.9 -f https://download.openmmlab.com/mmcv/dist/cu111/torch1.8.0/index.html
pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py develop --user
# Optional: install apex follow: https://github.com/NVIDIA/apex

SynPASS dataset


SynPASS dataset contains 9080 panoramic images (1024x2048) and 22 categories.

The scenes include cloudy, foggy, rainy, sunny, and day-/night-time conditions.

The SynPASS dataset is now availabel at GoogleDrive.

SynPASS statistic information:


Data Preparation

Prepare datasets:

├── cityscapes
│   ├── gtFine
│   └── leftImg8bit
├── Stanford2D3D
│   ├── area_1
│   ├── area_2
│   ├── area_3
│   ├── area_4
│   ├── area_5a
│   ├── area_5b
│   └── area_6
├── Structured3D
│   ├── scene_00000
│   ├── ...
│   └── scene_00199
├── SynPASS
│   ├── img
│   │   ├── cloud
│   │   ├── fog
│   │   ├── rain
│   │   └── sun
│   └── semantic
│       ├── cloud
│       ├── fog
│       ├── rain
│       └── sun
├── DensePASS
│   ├── gtFine
│   └── leftImg8bit

Prepare pretrained weights, which can be found in the public repository of SegFormer.

├── mit_b1.pth
└── mit_b2.pth

Network Define

The code of Network pipeline is in segmentron/models/trans4pass.py.

The code of backbone is in segmentron/models/backbones/trans4pass.py.

The code of DMLP decoder is in segmentron/modules/dmlp.py.

The code of DMLPv2 decoder is in segmentron/modules/dmlp2.py.


For example, to use 4 1080Ti GPUs to run the experiments:

# Trans4PASS
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 tools/train_cs.py --config-file configs/cityscapes/trans4pass_tiny_512x512.yaml
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 tools/train_s2d3d.py --config-file configs/stanford2d3d/trans4pass_tiny_1080x1080.yaml
# Trans4PASS+, please modify the version at segmentron/models/trans4pass.py
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 tools/train_cs.py --config-file configs/cityscapes/trans4pass_plus_tiny_512x512.yaml
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 tools/train_sp.py --config-file configs/synpass/trans4pass_plus_tiny_512x512.yaml
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 tools/train_s2d3d.py --config-file configs/stanford2d3d/trans4pass_plus_tiny_1080x1080.yaml


Download the models from GoogleDrive and save in ./workdirs folder as:

<details> <summary> workdirs folder:</summary>
├── cityscapes
│   ├── trans4pass_plus_small_512x512
│   ├── trans4pass_plus_tiny_512x512
│   ├── trans4pass_small_512x512
│   └── trans4pass_tiny_512x512
├── cityscapes13
│   ├── trans4pass_plus_small_512x512
│   ├── trans4pass_plus_tiny_512x512
│   ├── trans4pass_small_512x512
│   └── trans4pass_tiny_512x512
├── stanford2d3d
│   ├── trans4pass_plus_small_1080x1080
│   ├── trans4pass_plus_tiny_1080x1080
│   ├── trans4pass_small_1080x1080
│   └── trans4pass_tiny_1080x1080
├── stanford2d3d8
│   ├── trans4pass_plus_small_1080x1080
│   ├── trans4pass_plus_tiny_1080x1080
│   ├── trans4pass_small_1080x1080
│   └── trans4pass_tiny_1080x1080
├── stanford2d3d_pan
│   ├── trans4pass_plus_small_1080x1080
│   ├── trans4pass_small_1080x1080
│   └── trans4pass_tiny_1080x1080
├── structured3d8
│   ├── trans4pass_plus_small_512x512
│   ├── trans4pass_plus_tiny_512x512
│   ├── trans4pass_small_512x512
│   └── trans4pass_tiny_512x512
├── synpass
│   ├── trans4pass_plus_small_512x512
│   ├── trans4pass_plus_tiny_512x512
│   ├── trans4pass_small_512x512
│   └── trans4pass_tiny_512x512
└── synpass13
    ├── trans4pass_plus_small_512x512
    ├── trans4pass_plus_tiny_512x512
    ├── trans4pass_small_512x512
    └── trans4pass_tiny_512x512

Some test examples:

# Trans4PASS
python tools/eval.py --config-file configs/cityscapes/trans4pass_tiny_512x512.yaml
python tools/eval_s2d3d.py --config-file configs/stanford2d3d/trans4pass_tiny_1080x1080.yaml
# Trans4PASS+
python tools/eval.py --config-file configs/cityscapes/trans4pass_plus_tiny_512x512.yaml
python tools/eval_sp.py --config-file configs/synpass/trans4pass_plus_tiny_512x512.yaml
python tools/eval_dp13.py --config-file configs/synpass13/trans4pass_plus_tiny_512x512.yaml
python tools/eval_s2d3d.py --config-file configs/stanford2d3d/trans4pass_plus_tiny_1080x1080.yaml

Trans4PASS models CS -> DP:

from Cityscapes to DensePASS

python tools/eval.py --config-file configs/cityscapes/trans4pass_plus_tiny_512x512.yaml
Trans4PASS (T)72.4945.89model
Trans4PASS (S)72.8451.38model
Trans4PASS+ (T)72.6750.23model
Trans4PASS+ (S)75.2451.41model

Trans4PASS models SPin -> SPan:

from Stanford2D3D_pinhole to Stanford2D3D_panoramic

python tools/eval_s2d3d.py --config-file configs/stanford2d3d/trans4pass_plus_tiny_1080x1080.yaml
Trans4PASS (T)49.0546.08model
Trans4PASS (S)50.2048.34model
Trans4PASS+ (T)48.9946.75model
Trans4PASS+ (S)53.4650.35model

Trans4PASS models on SPan:

supervised trained on Stanford2D3D_panoramic

# modify fold id at segmentron/data/dataloader/stanford2d3d_pan.py
# modify TEST_MODEL_PATH at configs/stanford2d3d_pan/trans4pass_plus_small_1080x1080.yaml
python tools/eval_s2d3d.py --config-file configs/stanford2d3d_pan/trans4pass_plus_tiny_1080x1080.yaml
Trans4PASS+ (S)154.05model
Trans4PASS+ (S)247.70model
Trans4PASS+ (S)360.25model
Trans4PASS+ (S)avg54.00

Note: for the Trans4PASS versions (not Trans4PASS+), please modify the respective DMLP version, check here.

Trans4PASS models on SP:

supervised trained on SynPASS

python tools/eval_sp.py --config-file configs/synpass/trans4pass_plus_tiny_512x512.yaml
NetworkCloudyFoggyRainySunnyDayNightALL (val)ALL (test)Download
Trans4PASS (T)46.9041.9741.6145.5244.4834.7343.6838.53model
Trans4PASS (S)46.7443.4943.3945.9445.5237.0344.8038.57model
Trans4PASS+ (T)48.3343.4143.1146.9946.5235.2745.2138.85model
Trans4PASS+ (S)48.8744.8045.2447.6247.1737.9646.4739.16model

Trans4PASS models Pin2Pan vs. Syn2Real settings:

python tools/eval_dp13.py --config-file configs/synpass13/trans4pass_plus_tiny_512x512.yaml
python tools/eval_dp13.py --config-file configs/cityscaps13/trans4pass_plus_tiny_512x512.yaml
python tools/eval_s2d3d8.py --config-file configs/structured3d8/trans4pass_plus_tiny_512x512.yaml
python tools/eval_s2d3d8.py --config-file configs/stanford2d3d8/trans4pass_plus_tiny_512x512.yaml
(1) Outdoor Pin2Pan:CS13DP13mIoU Gapsmodel
Trans4PASS (Tiny)71.6349.21-22.42model
Trans4PASS (Small)75.2150.96-24.25model
Trans4PASS+ (Tiny)72.9249.16-23.76model
Trans4PASS+ (Small)74.5251.40-23.12model
(2) Outdoor Syn2Real:SP13DP13mIoU Gaps
Trans4PASS (Tiny)61.0839.68-21.40model
Trans4PASS (Small)62.7643.18-19.58model
Trans4PASS+ (Tiny)60.3739.62-20.75model
Trans4PASS+ (Small)61.5943.17-18.42model
(3) Indoor Pin2Pan:SPin8SPan8mIoU Gaps
Trans4PASS (Tiny)64.2558.93-5.32model
Trans4PASS (Small)66.5162.39-4.12model
Trans4PASS+ (Tiny)65.0959.55-5.54model
Trans4PASS+ (Small)65.2963.08-2.21model
(4) Indoor Syn2Real:S3D8SPan8mIoU Gaps
Trans4PASS (Tiny)76.8448.63-28.21model
Trans4PASS (Small)77.2951.70-25.59model
Trans4PASS+ (Tiny)76.9150.60-26.31model
Trans4PASS+ (Small)76.8851.93-24.95model

Domain Adaptation


After the model is trained on the source domain, the model can be further trained by the adversarial method for warm-up in the target domain.

cd adaptations
python train_warm.py

Then, use the warm up model to generate the pseudo label of the target damain.

python gen_pseudo_label.py

The proposed MPA method can be jointly used for perform domain adaptation.

# (optional) python train_ssl.py
python train_mpa.py

Domain adaptation with Trans4PASS+, for example, adapting model trained from pinhole to panoramic, i.e., from Cityscapes13 to DensePASS13 (CS13 -> DP13):

python train_warm_out_p2p.py
python train_mpa_out_p2p.py


Download the models from GoogleDrive and save in adaptations/snapshots folder as:

├── CS2DensePASS_Trans4PASS_v1_MPA
│   └── BestCS2DensePASS_G.pth
├── CS2DensePASS_Trans4PASS_v2_MPA
│   └── BestCS2DensePASS_G.pth
├── CS132CS132DP13_Trans4PASS_plus_v2_MPA
│   └── BestCS132DP13_G.pth
├── CS2DP_Trans4PASS_plus_v1_MPA
│   └── BestCS2DensePASS_G.pth
└── CS2DP_Trans4PASS_plus_v2_MPA
    └── BestCS2DensePASS_G.pth

Change the RESTORE_FROM in evaluate.py file. Or change the scales in evaluate.py for multi-scale evaluation.

# Trans4PASS
cd adaptations
python evaluate.py
# Trans4PASS+, CS132DP13
python evaluate_out13.py


We appreciate the previous open-source works.


This repository is under the Apache-2.0 license. For commercial use, please contact with the authors.


If you are interested in this work, please cite the following works:

Trans4PASS+ [PDF]

  title={Behind Every Domain There is a Shift: Adapting Distortion-aware Vision Transformers for Panoramic Semantic Segmentation},
  author={Zhang, Jiaming and Yang, Kailun and Shi, Hao and Rei{\ss}, Simon and Peng, Kunyu and Ma, Chaoxiang and Fu, Haodong and Wang, Kaiwei and Stiefelhagen, Rainer},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.11860},

Trans4PASS [PDF]

  title={Bending Reality: Distortion-aware Transformers for Adapting to Panoramic Semantic Segmentation},
  author={Zhang, Jiaming and Yang, Kailun and Ma, Chaoxiang and Rei{\ss}, Simon and Peng, Kunyu and Stiefelhagen, Rainer},
  booktitle={2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},