<p align="center"> <img width=100 height=100 alt="Screenshot" src="./.github/icon.svg"> </p> <h1 align="center">Streaker</h1> <p align="center">π₯ GitHub contribution streak & stat tracking menu bar app</p> <p align="center"> <a href=""><img alt ="build" src=""></a> <a href=""><img alt ="downloads" src=""></a> <a href=""><img alt ="version" src=""></a> <a href=""><img alt ="license" src=""></a> </p>Installation
Download the latest version of Streaker from the GitHub releases page. (currently macOS & Windows only, track Linux support in #2)
Coming soonβ’, track progress in #138
- Contribution stats from the menu bar π
- Best streak
- Current streak
- Best contributions (in a single day)
- Current contributions (today)
- Total contributions (this year)
- Menu bar icon changes depending on contribution status
- Empty - You haven't contributed today, your streak is in danger π±
- Filled - You have contributed today, your streak is secure π
- Crown - You're on your best streak! π€©
- Two different menu bar icon themes
- Flame π₯
- Octocat π
- Reminder notification so you don't lose your streak β°
<img width="716" alt="Screenshot" src=".github/screenshot.png">Built with
- Streaker CLI - π₯ GitHub contribution streak & stat tracking CLI app
- Contribution - π GitHub contribution streak & stat fetcher with zero dependencies