


This plugin aims to give you the functionality of VSCode's remote container development plugin. It will allow you to spawn and develop in docker containers and pulls config information from a devcontainer.json file.

Available Lua Functions

Available Vim Commands


Set your statusline to reflect the current connected container through g:currentContainer:

hi Container guifg=#BADA55 guibg=Black
set statusline+=%#Container#%{g:currentContainer}


Before using this plugin, you should install the jsonc treesitter module: :TSInstall jsonc, this is needed to parse the config file.

If you are in the root directory that has the .devcontainer/ folder, you can run the following vim commands:

" If you haven't built the image specified in your config.
" Takes `true` or `false` depending on whether or not you want to see the build progress in a floating window.
" Attach to the container you just built / a previously built container
" Start a container from a pre-built image

" Runs the docker-compose -f <file> up
" Runs docker-compose -f <file> down
" Runs docker-compose rm <file> -fsv


Lua code is formatted in a pre-commit hook using stylelua. Please install this as part of contributing to the project. Contributors using Linux may use the pre-push hook to ensure formatting. Install the pre-push hook by running tools/init.sh.