This is the accompanying source codes for my book 'Mastering Python for Finance'.
ISBN-10: 1784394513, ISBN-13: 978-1784394516
Available on major sales channels including Amazon, Safari Online and Barnes & Noble, in paperback, Kindle and ebook.
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Check out these awesome books too:
- Python for Finance by Dr. Yves Hilpisch:
- Python for Quants. Volume I. by Dr. Pawel Lachowicz:
Table of Contents
- Python for Financial Applications
- Is Python for me?
- Free and open source
- High-level, powerful, and flexible
- A wealth of standard libraries
- Objected-oriented versus functional programming
- The object-oriented approach
- The functional approach
- Which approach should I use?
- Which Python version should I use?
- Introducing IPython
- Getting IPython
- Using pip
- The IPython Notebook
- Notebook documents
- Running the IPython Notebook
- Creating a new notebook
- Notebook cells
- Code cell
- Markdown cell
- Raw NBConvert cell
- Heading cells
- Simple exercises with IPython Notebook
- Creating a notebook with heading and Markdown cells
- Saving notebooks
- Mathematical operations in cells
- Displaying graphs
- Inserting equations
- Displaying images
- Inserting YouTube videos
- Working with HTML
- The pandas DataFrame object as an HTML table
- Notebook for finance
- Summary
- Is Python for me?
- The Importance of Linearity in Finance
- The capital asset pricing model and the security market line
- The Arbitrage Pricing Theory model
- Multivariate linear regression of factor models
- Linear optimization
- Getting PuLP
- A simple linear optimization problem
- Outcomes of linear programs
- Integer programming
- An example of an integer programming model with binary conditions
- A different approach with binary conditions
- Solving linear equations using matrices
- The LU decomposition
- The Cholesky decomposition
- The QR decomposition
- Solving with other matrix algebra methods
- The Jacobi method
- The Gauss-Seidel method
- Solving with other matrix algebra methods
- Summary
- Nonlinearity in Finance
- Nonlinearity modeling
- Examples of nonlinear models
- The implied volatility model
- The Markov regime-switching model
- The threshold autoregressive model
- Smooth transition models
- An introduction to root-finding
- Incremental search
- The bisection method
- Newton's method
- The secant method
- Combining root-finding methods
- SciPy implementations
- Root-finding scalar functions
- General nonlinear solvers
- Summary
- Numerical Procedures
- Introduction to options
- Binomial trees in options pricing
- Pricing European options
- Are these formulas relevant to stocks? What about futures?
- Writing the StockOption class
- Writing the BinomialEuropeanOption class
- Pricing American options with the BinomialTreeOption class
- The Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model
- Writing the BinomialCRROption class
- Using a Leisen-Reimer tree
- Writing the BinomialLROption class
- Pricing European options
- The Greeks for free
- Writing the BinomialLRWithGreeks class
- Trinomial trees in options pricing
- Writing the TrinomialTreeOption class
- Lattices in options pricing
- Using a binomial lattice
- Writing the BinomialCRROption class
- Using the trinomial lattice
- Writing the TrinomialLattice class
- Finite differences in options pricing
- The explicit method
- Writing the FiniteDifferences class
- Writing the FDExplicitEu class
- The implicit method
- Writing the FDImplicitEu class
- The Crank-Nicolson method
- Writing the FDCnEu class
- Pricing exotic barrier options
- A down-and-out option
- Writing the FDCnDo class
- American options pricing with finite differences
- Writing the FDCnAm class
- The explicit method
- Putting it all together – implied volatility modeling
- Implied volatilities of AAPL American put option
- Summary
- Interest Rates and Derivatives
- Fixed-income securities
- Yield curves
- Valuing a zero-coupon bond
- Spot and zero rates
- Bootstrapping a yield curve
- Forward rates
- Calculating the yield to maturity
- Calculating the price of a bond
- Bond duration
- Bond convexity
- Short-rate modeling
- The Vasicek model
- The Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model
- The Rendleman and Bartter model
- The Brennan and Schwartz model
- Bond options
- Callable bonds
- Puttable bonds
- Convertible bonds
- Preferred stocks
- Pricing a callable bond option
- Pricing a zero-coupon bond by the Vasicek model
- Value of early-exercise
- Policy iteration by finite differences
- Other considerations in callable bond pricing
- Summary
- Interactive Financial Analytics with Python and VSTOXX
- Volatility derivatives
- STOXX and the Eurex
- The EURO STOXX 50 Index
- The VIX
- Gathering the EUROX STOXX 50 Index and VSTOXX data
- Merging the data
- Financial analytics of SX5E and V2TX
- Correlation between SX5E and V2TX
- Calculating the VSTOXX sub-indices
- Getting the OESX data
- Formulas to calculate the VSTOXX sub-index
- Implementation of the VSTOXX sub-index value
- Analyzing the results
- Calculating the VSTOXX main index
- Summary
- Volatility derivatives
- Big Data with Python
- Introducing big data
- Hadoop for big data
- MapReduce
- Is big data for me?
- Getting Apache Hadoop
- Getting a QuickStart VM from Cloudera
- Getting VirtualBox
- Running Cloudera VM on VirtualBox
- A word count program in Hadoop
- Downloading sample data
- The map program
- The reduce program
- Testing our scripts
- Running MapReduce on Hadoop
- Hue for browsing HDFS
- Going deeper – Hadoop for finance
- Obtaining IBM stock prices from Yahoo! Finance
- Modifying the map program
- Testing our map program with IBM stock prices
- Running MapReduce to count intraday price changes
- Performing analysis on our MapReduce results
- Introducing NoSQL
- Getting MongoDB
- Creating the data directory and running MongoDB
- Running MongoDB from Windows
- Running MongoDB from Mac OS X
- Getting PyMongo
- Running a test connection
- Getting a database
- Getting a collection
- Inserting a document
- Fetching a single document
- Deleting documents
- Batch-inserting documents
- Counting documents in the collection
- Finding documents
- Sorting documents
- Conclusion
- Summary
- Algorithmic Trading
- Introduction to algorithmic trading
- List of trading platforms with public API
- Which is the best programming language to use?
- System functionalities
- Algorithmic trading with Interactive Brokers and IbPy
- Getting Interactive Brokers' Trader WorkStation
- Getting IbPy – the IB API wrapper
- A simple order routing mechanism
- Building a mean-reverting algorithmic trading system
- Setting up the main program
- Handling events
- Implementing the mean-reverting algorithm
- Tracking our positions
- Forex trading with OANDA API
- What is REST?
- Setting up an OANDA account
- Exploring the API
- Getting oandapy – the OANDA REST API wrapper
- Getting and parsing rates data
- Sending an order
- Building a trend-following forex trading platform
- Setting up the main program Handling events
- Implementing the trend-following algorithm
- Tracking our positions
- VaR for risk management
- Summary
- Backtesting
- An introduction to backtesting
- Concerns in backtesting
- Concept of an event-driven backtesting system
- Designing and implementing a backtesting system
- The TickData class
- The MarketData class
- The MarketDataSource class
- The Order class
- The Position class
- The Strategy class
- The MeanRevertingStrategy class
- The Backtester class
- Running our backtesting system
- Improving your backtesting system
- Ten considerations for a backtesting model
- Resources restricting your model
- Criteria of evaluation of the model
- Estimating the quality of backtest parameters
- Be prepared to face model risk
- Performance of a backtest with in-sample data
- Addressing common pitfalls in backtesting
- Have a common sense idea of your model
- Understanding the context for the model
- Make sure you have the right data
- Data mine your results
- Discussion of algorithms in backtesting
- K-means clustering
- K-nearest neighbor machine learning algorithm
- Classification and regression tree analysis
- The 2k factorial design
- The genetic algorithm
- Summary
- An introduction to backtesting
- Excel with Python
- Overview of COM
- Excel for finance
- Building a COM server
- Prerequisites
- Getting the pythoncom module
- Building the Black-Scholes model COM server
- Registering and unregistering the COM server
- Building the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein binomial tree model COM server
- Building the trinomial lattice model COM server
- Building the COM client in Excel
- Setting up the VBA code
- Setting up the cells
- What else can I do with COM?
- Summary