


Format selected lines of text into columns of equal width.

I wrote this plugin in order to keep my Kmonad configuration in shape. Time will tell if there are any other use cases for it. At least I now have written my first plugin for Neovim :tada:.

Installation and configuration


Add the following to the list of your plugins:

        dependencies = {
        config = true,

If you also want to be able to invoke this tool by pressing a few keys, add something like this to your configuration:

vim.keymap.set("v", "<Leader>c", require('columnize').columnize,
    { desc = "Columnize selected lines" })


Select the lines you want to columnize and run the command Columnize. You can also invoke this tool by assigning it a key combination, as explained earlier.

The command Columnize uses the maximum word length as column width per default.

If you instead want to use a fixed column width, supply the wanted column width as an argument, like this: Columnize 12.

Note that a column width of 12 means that a word with a maximum of 12 positions will fit in it. . Columns are divided by spaces and these spaces are not included in the fixed column width parameter.