

Python RapidOCR OpenVINO with GPU (with GPU only)

This is a modified verison of RapidOCR (https://github.com/RapidAI/RapidOCR) to support OpenVINO GPU. Currently works only with for fixed size images (max len of 960) and also needs the image size to a multiple of 32.


git clone https://github.com/jaggiK/rapidocr_openvinogpu.git

python3 setup.py install

cd rapidocr_openvinogpu


Run inference for all the images in a given directory

python3 demo.py -d <absolute_path/to/directory>

Infering an image:

python3 demo.py -f <absolute_path/to/image.jpg>

To save inference results, use -v flag:

python3 demo.py -d <absolute_path/to/directory> -v # this saves the visualization in "./inference_results/" in the current folder

To save inference results in a desired folder, use -v and -o flag:

python3 demo.py -d <absolute_path/to/directory> -v -o <absolute_path/to/directory>