



ActionCPU Cost
ERC20 Transfer504µs (TX)
ERC20 Deploy764µs (TX)
EVM Transfer325µs (TX)
EVM New Address553µs (TX)


The code in this repository has not been audited by a professional audit firm. Please use at your own discretion and risk. The author takes no responsibility for any material or inmaterial losses from any form of operation or deployment of the software within this repository.


Precompile support

eosio.evm supports all 9 precompiles

  1. ec_recover
  2. sha256
  3. ripemd160
  4. identity
  5. expmod
  6. bn_add
  7. bn_mul
  8. bn_pairing
  9. blake2b


All constants are found at constants.hpp

  1. TESTING - adds functionality for executing tests, and resetting the contract; default true, remove in production
  2. BN_CURVE - adds bnadd, bnmul, and bnpair precompiles; default true
  3. CHARGE_SENDER_FOR_GAS - toggle charging sender for gas; default false, required for ethereum tests
  4. PRINT_LOGS - prints logs as part of execution receipt; default false
  5. OPTRACE - prints the opcode trace for the execution; default false
  6. PRINT_STATE - prints the state when saved or loaded from tables; default false
  7. TOKEN_SYMBOL_CODE_RAW - the symbol of the core token on-chain; default "EOS"
  8. TOKEN_CONTRACT_RAW - the contract of the core token on-chain; default "eosio.token"
  9. TOKEN_PRECISION - the precision of the core symbol on-chain; default 4

NOTE: [TESTING, CHARGE_SENDER_FOR_GAS] must be enabled, and [OPTRACE, PRINT_LOGS] must be disabled for ethereum/tests testing to pass successfuly.

NOTE: If ec_add, ec_mul and ec_pairing precompiles are required, set BN_CURVE to true (will increase WASM size by 210KB, or ~2MB onchain).

Usage instructions

Deployment steps are laid out step-by-step in both the JS and cleos guides:

JS Guide: eos-evm-js guide

Cleos Guide: cleos guide

Basic Guide: Simply deploy the WASM and ABI at eosio.evm/eosio.evm/eosio.evm.wasm and eosio.evm/eosio.evm/eosio.evm.abi

It is important that any node that you deploy the contract to is running EOSVM OC through the --eos-vm-oc-enable option

Ubuntu 18.04 Build Instructions

1. Install Pre-Requisites

sudo apt install make
sudo snap install cmake --classic
sudo apt install build-essential

2. Install eosio and eosio-cdt

wget https://github.com/eosio/eos/releases/download/v2.0.4/eosio_2.0.4-1-ubuntu-18.04_amd64.deb
sudo apt install ./eosio_2.0.4-1-ubuntu-18.04_amd64.deb

wget https://github.com/eosio/eosio.cdt/releases/download/v1.7.0/eosio.cdt_1.7.0-1-ubuntu-18.04_amd64.deb
sudo apt install ./eosio.cdt_1.7.0-1-ubuntu-18.04_amd64.deb

For other platforms than Ubuntu 18.04, check eos and eosio.cdt

Note: You must build eos from source if you wish to manually build the unit tests in eosio.evm

3. Clone eosio.evm and build contract

git clone https://github.com/jafri/eosio.evm
cd eosio.evm
cmake .
make -j4

If you wish to build tests, use cmake . -DBUILD_TESTS=true

If not set automatically, you may need to manually set BOOST_ROOT to the directory of your boost installation.

4. Run tests (optional, take long time)

tests/eosio.evm_tests.cpp has five types of tests, which can each be turned on or off individually:

const bool base_enabled              = false;  // Base testing of linking EOS account
const bool erc20_enabled             = false;  // Test ERC20 contract deployments
const bool erc721_enabled            = false;  // Test ERC721 contract deployments
const bool transaction_tests_enabled = false;  // Test ethereum/tests TransactionTests
const bool state_tests_enabled       = true;   // Test ethereum/tests GeneralStateTests

In constants.hpp, TESTING must be enabled to seed initial state of accounts and CHARGE_SENDER_FOR_GAS must be enabled if using unmodified ethereum/tests since tests will only match post-state balances if gas is charged.

If using modified tests to account for no gas being charged, simply ensure CHARGE_SENDER_FOR_GAS is set to false (default), and replace the default path jsontests/BlockchainTests/GeneralStateTests in eosio.evm_tests.cpp with the path to the modified tests.

Running tests:

cd tests
make -j4
./unit_test # Non-verbose
./unit_test -- --verbose # Expanded logging

Directory structure

Contract Public Actions

ACTION raw ( const eosio::name& ram_payer,
             const std::vector<int8_t>& tx,
             const std::optional<eosio::checksum160>& sender);
ACTION create ( const eosio::name& account,
                const std::string& data);
ACTION withdraw ( const eosio::name& to,
                  const eosio::asset& quantity);
void transfer( const eosio::name& from,
                const eosio::name& to,
                const eosio::asset& quantity,
                const std::string& memo );

ACTION call( const eosio::name& ram_payer,
             const std::vector<int8_t>& tx,
             const std::optional<eosio::checksum160>& sender );

Contract Tables

struct Account {
  uint64_t index;
  eosio::checksum160 address;
  eosio::name account;
  uint64_t nonce;
  std::vector<uint8_t> code;
  bigint::checksum256 balance;
struct AccountState {
  uint64_t index;
  eosio::checksum256 key;
  bigint::checksum256 value;

EVM Notes

Special Mentions


Note that this repository is still in a highly iterative state, if you find any bugs, please open an issue or a pull request.