

Maieutic Prompting

This is an official code repository for our paper Maieutic Prompting: Logically Consistent Reasoning with Recursive Explanations.


pip install -r requirements.txt


In order to generate maieutic tree for a given set of questions, run main_generate.py. We provide the code and arguments to run generation for the 3 datasets - Com2Sense, CSQA 2.0, CREAK used in the paper. To simply run generation for the dev split of these datasets, run

python main_generate.py --dataset_name=${DATASET_NAME}

The code reads dataset file in ./data/{datset_name}/1_gen/dev.Q.json as input and outputs the pickled list of trees in ./data/{dataset_name}/1_gen/dev.G.pkl.

The generation code requires OpenAI API key as an environment variable. For easier access to our method, we provide pre-generated files of maieutic tree for each dataset in ./data/{dataset_name}/1_gen/dev.G.pkl.


To run inference, run

python main_inference.py --device_id=${DEVICE_ID} --dataset_name=${DATASET_NAME}

device_id denotes the id of GPU to load the verifier model. The code reads dataset file in ./data/{datset_name}/1_gen/dev.Q.json and maieutic tree file in ./data/{dataset_name}/1_gen/dev.G.pkl