

🛑 This library is DEPRECATED!

There will be no new releases of this library.

We urge all users to migrate to OpenTelemetry. Please refer to the notice in the documentation for details.


Build Status Coverage Status Appveyor Build OpenTracing 1.0 Enabled

Ubuntu MacOS Windows


Jaeger SDK with OpenTracing API for C++ binding.


Please see CONTRIBUTING.md.


jaeger-client-cpp is built using CMake. It will automatically download needed dependencies using Hunter.

To build:

    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..

After building, the example program can be run with:

    ./app ../examples/config.yml

To run tests:

    make test

To install the library:

    make install

Generated files

This project uses Apache Thrift for wire-format protocol support code generation. It currently requires Thrift 0.11.0.

The code can be re-generated with

    $ git submodule update --init
    $ find idl/thrift/ -type f -name \*.thrift -exec thrift -gen cpp -out src/jaegertracing/thrift-gen {} \;
    $ git apply scripts/thrift-gen.patch

Updating Agent Host and Port

The default host and port for Jaeger Agent is When the application and Jaeger Agent are running in different containers on the same host, the application's notion of localhost/ it restriced to its own container, so in this case it's usually necessary to override the Agent's host/port by updating your reporter configuration:

YAML configuration:

  localAgentHostPort: jaeger-agent:6831

NOTE: It is not recommended to use a remote host for UDP connections.

Connecting directly to the Collector

In case the client should connect directly to the collector instead of going through an agent, it's necessary update the reporter configuration

  endpoint: http://${collectorhost}:${collectorport}/api/traces

Note that if both localAgentHostPort and endpoint are specified, the endpoint will be used.

Updating Sampling Server URL

The default sampling collector URL is Similar to UDP address above, you can use a different URL by updating the sampler configuration.

  samplingServerURL: http://jaeger-agent.local:5778/sampling

Configuration via Environment

It's possible to populate the tracer configuration from the environement variables by calling jaegertracing::Config::fromEnv.

The following property names are currently available:

JAEGER_DISABLED (not recommended)Instructs the Configuration to return a no-op tracer
JAEGER_AGENT_HOSTThe hostname for communicating with agent via UDP
JAEGER_AGENT_PORTThe port for communicating with agent via UDP
JAEGER_ENDPOINTThe traces endpoint, in case the client should connect directly to the Collector, like http://jaeger-collector:14268/api/traces
JAEGER_PROPAGATIONThe propagation format used by the tracer. Supported values are jaeger and w3c
JAEGER_REPORTER_LOG_SPANSWhether the reporter should also log the spans
JAEGER_REPORTER_MAX_QUEUE_SIZEThe reporter's maximum queue size
JAEGER_REPORTER_FLUSH_INTERVALThe reporter's flush interval (ms)
JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAMThe sampler parameter (double)
JAEGER_SAMPLING_ENDPOINTThe url for the remote sampling conf when using sampler type remote. Default is
JAEGER_TAGSA comma separated list of name = value tracer level tags, which get added to all reported spans. The value can also refer to an environment variable using the format ${envVarName:default}, where the :default is optional, and identifies a value to be used if the environment variable cannot be found


Jaeger Tracer supports an additional reference type call 'SelfRef'. It returns an opentracing::SpanReference which can be passed to Tracer::StartSpan to influence the SpanContext of the newly created span. Specifically, the new span inherits the traceID and spanID from the passed SELF reference. It can be used to pass externally generated IDs to the tracer, with the purpose of recording spans from data generated elsewhere (e.g. from logs), or by augmenting the data of the existing span (Jaeger backend will merge multiple instances of the spans with the same IDs). Must be the lone reference, can be used only for root spans.

Usage example:

  jaegertracing::SpanContext customCtx { {1, 2}, 3, 0, 0, jaegertracing::SpanContext::StrMap() }; // TraceId and SpanID must be != 0
  auto span = tracer->StartSpan("spanName", { jaegertracing::SelfRef(&customCtx) });


Apache 2.0 License.