


Maps a given index to a unique valid CSS. Uses the smallest class names possible, with lower indices having smaller class names.

npm install --save css-class-generator


cssClassGenerator(index, prefix = '') -> string

Class names are not random - a given index will always return the same class name.

Class names are generated without a leading ..

The prefix option gives more optimal class names than prefix + cssClassGenerator(index). It never returns the prefix alone - it's always appended with something. In development, it will console.warn if prefix is not a valid class name (unless the prefix is -).

Be careful for high values (2 ** 30 and above), as JavaScript integer vs float quirks can happen.


const cssClassGenerator = require("css-class-generator");

cssClassGenerator(0); // 'a'
cssClassGenerator(1); // 'b'
cssClassGenerator(52); // '_'
cssClassGenerator(53); // '-a'
cssClassGenerator(10000); // K3c
cssClassGenerator(1e9); // CVJ2gb

cssClassGenerator(0, "hello"); // 'helloa'
cssClassGenerator(1, "hello"); // 'hellob'