

Sandstorm Hacker Slides


A simple app that combines Ace Editor and RevealJS

You can write markdown on the left, and preview your presentation on the right.

Try it on Sandstorm

Hack on Hacker Slides

I built this app very quickly and it is unfortunately not one of my main priorities right now. Contributions are very welcome!

Hacker Slides uses vagrant-spk, so dev setup is quite easy.

  1. You will need vagrant-spk installed. If you get an error running the following command, follow the vagrant-spk installation instructions
$ vagrant-spk -h
usage: /home/jack/bin/vagrant-spk [-h] [--work-directory WORK_DIRECTORY]
  1. Make sure you have virtualbox installed before bringing up vagrant vm
$ VirtualBox -h
Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager 5.0.0
  1. Bring up the Vagrant VM
$ vagrant-spk up
  1. Start the application in dev mode
$ vagrant-spk dev
  1. Navigate to the Sandstorm dev instance


Here are some things to know about the code base.