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A simple yet flexible class naming structure on top of a flex based grid.

Flexeble 2.0 removes support for < IE 11 and as such all fall backs and flexbox namespacing


See the website flexeble.space for demo examples

See all customisable variables



How it works

Flex_e_ble was originally based on purecss.io grid work.

Row css looks like

.row {
  display: flex;
  flex-flow: row wrap;
  position: relative;

Grid css looks like

[class*=grid-] {
  display: inline-block;


A basic grid class structure is a follows .$global-name-space-$grid-name-$breakpointsize-$columnindex

Make a simple 5 column grid with 30px gutters either side

@import 'flex_e_ble';
$total-columns: 5;
$column-gutter: 30px;
$auto-column-gutters: true;

Will output the grid as follows

.grid-1 { width: 20%; }

.grid-2 { width: 40%; }

/*...etc... */

Want a Bootstrap class structure?

@import 'flex_e_ble'
// Bootstrap like
$grid-name: 'col-';
$base-grid-name: 'xs';
$column-gutter: 15px;
$auto-column-gutters: true;
$right-name: 'push';
$left-name: 'pull';
$breakpoints: (
  'sm': 480px,
  'md': 768px,
  'lg': 1024px,
  'xl': 1180px

Outputs a grid using the bootstrap naming convention

.col-xs-1 { width: 8.33333%; }

.col-xs-2 { width: 16.66667%; }

/*...etc... */

Want a Foundation class structure?

@import 'flex_e_ble';
// foundation like;
$column-gutter: 0.9375rem;
$auto-column-gutters: false;
$independant-grid-name: 'column';
$grid-name: '';
$base-grid-name: 'small';
$breakpoints: (
  'medium': 768px,
  'large': 1024px

Will output our grid as follows

.small-1 { width: 8.33333%; }

.small-2 { width: 16.66667%; }

/*...etc... */

But remember underneath the properties outputted are just the same.