

Dash Earthquakes

License: MIT CI

A Plotly Dash application showing earthquake data from the US Geological Survey.

The GeoJSON summary feed from the USGS website is updated every 15 minutes and it refers to the 4.5+ magnitude earthquakes occurred in the past month.

A GIF file showing a short demo on how to use the Dash Earthquakes application

App on Cloud Run.

Built with:

Environment variables

This project requires the following environment variables:

I define all required environment variables in a .envrc file, so direnv picks them automatically.


This project uses pyenv to specify the Python interpreter, pyenv-virtualenv to manage the Python virtual environment, and poetry to manage the project's dependencies.

If you don't already have it, install python 3.8.5 using pyenv:

pyenv install 3.8.5

Create a virtual environment for this project, then activate it:

pyenv virtualenv 3.8.5 dash_earthquakes

Every time you work on this project, remember to activate the virtual environment:

pyenv activate dash_earthquakes

# and when you stop working on this project, run:
pyenv deactivate

Install all the dependencies from the poetry.lock file.

poetry install


This project uses the task runner Poe the Poet to run poetry scripts.


Run the app locally using a development server (Dash uses a Flask development server):

poetry run poe dev

Run all tests with pytest:

poetry run poe test

Format all code with black:

poetry run poe format


Build the container image using the Dockerfile:

poetry run poe container_build

Create a container and run it:

poetry run poe container_run


Trigger a build on Cloud Build. Cloud Build will build a container image, push it to Artifact Registry, then deploy the app to Cloud Run:

gcloud builds submit ./ \
  --config cloudbuild.yaml \
  --project $GCP_PROJECT_ID \


Run a vulnerability scan with trivy (you will need to install it):

poetry run poe container_scan

Explore the container image with dive (you will need to install it):

poetry run poe container_explore

If you are on Ubuntu you might get ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_bz2' and/or UserWarning: Could not import the lzma module. Your installed Python is incomplete. Attempting to use lzma compression will result in a RuntimeError. These errors are caused by pandas when it tries to import these compression libraries. If you get these errors you need to install the libbz2-dev package and the liblzma-dev package, then re-compile your python interpreter.

Here is how you can do it:

# deactivate and remove the virtual environment
pyenv deactivate
pyenv virtualenv-delete dash_earthquakes

# remove the "broken" python interpreter
pyenv uninstall 3.8.5

# install the compression libraries
sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev liblzma-dev

# download and compile the python interpreter
pyenv install 3.8.5

# re-create the virtual environment and activate it
pyenv virtualenv 3.8.5 dash_earthquakes
pyenv activate dash_earthquakes

# re-install all the dependencies
poetry install