

A list of 140 developer newsletters + how to sponsor them

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NameWebsiteDescriptionReachSponsor info (if known)
Scaling DevToolshttps://newsletter.scalingdevtools.com/A newsletter on building & growing developer tools100+
Appcodahttps://www.appcoda.com/Must-read Swift & iOS programming articles that take your skills to the next level.7000
iOS Goodieshttps://ios-goodies.com/weekly iOS newsletter curated by Marius Constantinescu
iOS Code Reviewhttps://ioscodereview.com/Bi-weekly newsletter amplifying code improvement tips from the Apple developer community3000+https://ioscodereview.com/sponsor
Quastorhttps://www.quastor.org/A Backend Engineering-focused newsletter that covers topics like data engineering, ML engineering, backend dev and more40,000https://www.quastor.org/sponsorship
Node Weeklyhttps://nodeweekly.com/A free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of Node.js news and articles.59556POA - cooper press
JavaScript Weeklyhttps://javascriptweekly.comJavaScript Weekly is aimed at JavaScript developers and web developers with an interest in JavaScript, Angular, React, Node.js, and related technologies.170,000POA - cooper press
Frontend Focushttps://frontendfoc.usA newsletter for those in the web design, web development, and browser-based technology spaces.77064POA - cooper press
Ruby Weeklyhttps://rubyweekly.comthe most popular newsletter in the Ruby and Rails communities.41871POA - cooper press
Short Ruby Newsletterhttps://newsletter.shortruby.comIt is a Monday morning summary of the articles, discussions, and news from the Ruby community.4200https://newsletter.shortruby.com/p/sponsorship-packages
Golang Weeklyhttps://golangweekly.comGolang Weekly is the leading email publication for developers using Google’s server-side programming language.34600POA - cooper press
React Statushttps://react.statuscode.comA publication focused on the increasingly popular open-source JavaScript library, React.53116POA - cooper press
Postgres Weeklyhttps://postgresweekly.comPostgres Weekly is dedicated to the open source PostgreSQL relational database management system, curated by one of the world’s foremost Postgres experts — Craig Kerstiens.15942POA - cooper press
JAMstackedhttps://jamstack.emailAn email update on the evolving JAMstack ecosystem.3535POA - cooper press
Deno Weeklyhttps://denoweekly.comA weekly roundup of news, tutorials and projects from the land of Deno, the newest JavaScript runtime on the block.unknownPOA - cooper press
Cooper Presshttps://cooperpress.com/Keeping developers informed482,000Cooper own a ton of publications listed here
Hacker Newsletterhttps://hackernewsletter.com/Since 2010, we've put out a weekly newsletter of the best articles on startups, technology, programming, and more. All links are curated by hand from Hacker News. Join 60,000+ other subscribers and don't miss another week. Note: not affiliated with YC60000
Console Devhttps://console.dev/Discover the best tools for developers.22K+ SUBSCRIBERSPOA https://console.dev/advertise/
Changelog Weeklyhttps://changelog.com/weeklyThe Changelog team provides a weekly highlight of news in the open-source and software development field, along with informational content about JavaScript.350,000 monthly listens • 17,161 email subscribers • 250,000 monthly pageviewshttps://changelog.com/sponsor
Software Lead Weeklyhttps://softwareleadweekly.com/Software Lead’s weekly newsletter is made for dedicated professionals who wish to remain informed about software development culture and the people behind it. Its main target audience is IT entrepreneurs, managers, and tech leaders.30,000Not sure if they do sponsors
No CS Degreehttps://www.nocsdegree.com/No CS Degree focuses on interviewing successful self-taught developers, or developers who learned how to code in boot camps. In general, they are making a community of developers who don’t have a four-year Computer Science degree.https://www.nocsdegree.com/sponsor-no-cs-degree/
iOS Dev Weeklyhttps://iosdevweekly.com/hand-picked round-up of the best iOS development links every week.46,400 subscribers$1800 per newsletter
Libhunthttps://www.libhunt.com/advertiseVarious sites/newsletters including Android, iOS, Node.js16,700 subscribershttps://www.libhunt.com/advertise
This Week in Swifthttps://swiftnews.curated.co/sponsorshipThis Week in Swift is a fast-growing, artisanally-curated, gluten-free newsletter distributed to over 18,000+ iOS developers and Swift enthusiasts.18,000https://swiftnews.curated.co/sponsorship $399 for two issues
Swift Weekly Briefhttps://swiftweeklybrief.com/Swift Weekly Brief is distributed every other Thursday to thousands of savvy Swift developers and enthusiasts. Each issue contains quality links and commentary on what's happening in the Swift.org open source projects, as well as what's happening in the Swift community at large.4.5k+ subscribershttps://swiftweeklybrief.com/sponsorship/
Awesome IOShttps://ios.libhunt.com/newsletterYour go-to iOS Toolbox. Our goal is to help you find the software and libraries you need. Made by developers for developers. The collection of libraries and resources is based on the Awesome iOS List and direct contributions here.18,000https://ios.libhunt.com/advertise
Swift Developmentshttps://andybargh.com/swiftdevelopments/A weekly, hand curated newsletter containing a hand-picked selection of the best links, videos, tools and tutorials for people interested in designing and developing their own iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS apps using Swift.
Swift Weeklyhttps://swiftweekly.com/Free Swift Development Newsletter Code examples, tutorials, screencasts and much more to learn Apples new programming language.Every Swift Weekly issue has sponsorships available in two sections, a single Sponsored Link which is featured prominently under the Articles section and a Jobs section towards the end of the issue. Please get in touch if you would like to become a sponsor.
Android Weeklyhttps://androidweekly.net/Android Weekly is a free newsletter that helps you to stay cutting-edge with your Android Development
Frontend Focushttps://frontendfoc.us/A once–weekly roundup of the best front-end news, articles and tutorials. HTML, CSS, WebGL, Canvas, browser tech, and more.77,074 subscribers
Sitepointhttps://www.sitepoint.com/newsletters/Get the freshest resources and stories for developers, designers, and digital creators in your inbox each week.450,000 Email subscribersThe minimum campaign spend is $1,000 USD https://www.sitepoint.com/advertise/
CSS Weeklyhttps://css-weekly.com/Weekly email roundup of CSS articles, tutorials, experiments, and tools curated by Zoran Jambor - Only the best articles - One click subscribe - Your email is safe33,500 subscribersThere's only one Sponsorship spot available for each newsletter issue, and you can book it for only $500. https://css-weekly.com/advertise/
PyCoder’s Weeklyhttps://pycoders.com/A free, weekly e-mail newsletter for those interested in Python development and various topics around Python and the communi‍‍‍ty.105,101 subscribershttps://pycoders.com/advertise
Smashing Newsletterhttps://www.smashingmagazine.com/the-smashing-newsletter/Useful front-end & UX bits, delivered once a week.
CSS-Trickshttps://css-tricks.com/subscription-options/CSS-Tricks is a community-based platform for web developers around the world. It’s known as the go-to site to find the latest techniques and front-end design and development.https://css-tricks.com/advertising/#aa-sponsorship-opportunities
Dev Tipshttps://umaar.com/dev-tips/Developer tip, in the form of a gif, in your inbox each week
TLDR Newsletterhttps://tldr.techByte sized news for busy techies. TLDR is a daily newsletter with links and TLDRs of the most interesting stories in startups, tech and programming!275,000 subscribers$3500 ($12 CPM) per issue https://tldr.tech/sponsor
Pointer.iohttp://www.pointer.ioA reading club for software developershttp://www.pointer.io/sponsorship/
Web Developer Weeklyhttps://webdesignerweekly.comA newsletter for web designers,2,500+ subscribershttps://webdesignerweekly.com
Sidebar.io newsletterhttps://sidebar.ioSidebar has been collecting the best design links of the day since October 2012.https://sidebar.io/sponsor Sponsored links cost $950 per sponsorship
Technically Newsletterhttps://technically.substack.com/subscribeTechnically explains software and hardware in a simple and engaging way so you can impress your boss.
TechRepublic Daily Digesthttps://www.techrepublic.com/newsletters/Offer lots of different newsletters to choose from
Frontend Weeklyhttps://frontendweekly.co/The best articles, links and news related to Frontend Development delivered once a week to your inbox$150 per issue https://frontendweekly.co/sponsorship
Mobile Dev Weeklyhttps://mobiledevweekly.com/A weekly round-up for Web and app developers spanning the mobile-facing Web and native apps.6,342 subscribers
Database Weeklyhttps://dbweekly.com/A weekly round-up of database technology news and articles covering new developments, SQL, NoSQL, document databases, graph databases, and more10,263 subscribers
A drip of Javascripthttp://adripofjavascript.com/default.htmOne quick JavaScript tip, is delivered to your inbox every other week.
React Digesthttps://reactdigest.net/React Digest is a weekly newsletter with the five most interesting stories in front-end React development8,400+ subscribershttps://reactdigest.net/advertise
React Newsletterhttps://reactnewsletter.com/The latest React news, tutorials, resources, and more17,043 subscribers
Daily Techhttps://dailytech.email/?utm_source=react&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=footerDaily Tech is a curated newsletter about technology, startups, product, and software engineering500+ subscribershttps://dailytech.email/advertise
Programming Digesthttps://programmingdigest.net/?utm_source=react&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=footerProgramming Digest is a weekly newsletter with the five most interesting stories in programming, data, and technology15,100+ subscribershttps://programmingdigest.net/advertise
Tech Lead Digesthttps://techleaddigest.net/?utm_source=react&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=footerTech Lead Digest is a weekly newsletter with five interesting stories about building teams, leadership, and engineering culture5,400+ subscribershttps://techleaddigest.net/advertise
c# digesthttps://csharpdigest.net/?utm_source=react&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=footerC# Digest is a weekly newsletter with the five most interesting stories 🗞 in .NET and C#20,400+ subscribershttps://csharpdigest.net/advertise
DotNET Weeklyhttps://www.dotnetweekly.com/Weekly newsletter on everything .NET4,847 subscribershttps://www.dotnetweekly.com/
The Java Specialist’s Newsletterhttps://www.javaspecialists.eu/archive/70,000 subscribers
Pony Foo Weeklyhttps://ponyfoo.com/weeklyPony Foo Weekly is a newsletter discussing interesting and trending topics around the web platform. It comes out once a week, on thursdays.https://ponyfoo.com/weekly/sponsor Primary sponsorship - $200, Sponsored Link - $120, Job Listing - $80
Web Tools Weeklyhttps://webtoolsweekly.com/Tools for Web Developers12,482 subscribershttps://webtoolsweekly.com/sponsor
JavaScript Kickshttps://javascriptkicks.com/Get the best weekly JavaScript articles hand-picked by experienced developershttps://javascriptkicks.com/sponsor Sponsored posts cost $29 each
UI Design Newsletterhttps://mentor.silvestar.codes/reads/UI Dev Newsletter is a hand-curated list of articles, tutorials, opinions, and tools related to User Interface development that comes to your inbox every Monday.
MySQL Newsletterhttps://www.mysql.com/news-and-events/newsletter/MySQL publishes a monthly email newsletter with articles about new products, new features, white papers, customer case studies, upcoming webinars, training, and events of interest to the MySQL community.
AWS Insider Newsletterhttps://awsinsider.net/Home.aspx
Git Scientisthttps://www.gitscientist.com/newsletterGit & GitHub tips every week, occasional long-form articles about Git and occasional updates about the Git Scientist learning platform
Git Towerhttps://www.git-tower.com/learn/newsletterGiveaways. Cheat Sheets. eBooks. Discounts. And great content from our blog!
Python Weeklyhttps://www.pythonweekly.com/A free weekly newsletter featuring the best hand curated news, articles, new releases, tools and libraries, events etc related to Python.
DevOps Weeklyhttps://www.devopsweekly.com/A weekly slice of devops news
MSSQLTipshttps://www.mssqltips.com/get-free-sql-server-tips/?ref=JoinNowBtnGet new SQL Server tips to learn how to solve real world problems, expand your knowledge and grow your careerMonthly users - 1,300,000+https://www.mssqltips.com/advertise/
O’Reilly Programming Newsletterhttps://www.oreilly.com/programming/newsletter.cspStay informed. Receive weekly insight from industry insiders plus exclusive content, offers, and more on the topic of  software development.855,000+ subscribershttps://cdn.oreillystatic.com/pdf/OReilly_Marketing_Sponsorship_Opportunities.pdf
Discover Devhttps://www.discoverdev.io/Discover dev brings you a daily digest of the best engineering blogs from across the web1000+ subscribers
A Byte of Codinghttps://abyteofcoding.com/Byte of Coding is a daily newsletter with links and summaries for three high quality technical deep-dives, on any software engineering topic2800+ subscribershttps://abyteofcoding.com/sponsor/
Baseclasshttps://www.baseclass.io/newsletterFundamental computing topics for developers, in under 5 minutes
Labnoteshttps://labnotes.org/Newsletter that covers: - Tools and products you should know about - Tips about UX, management, infosec - Random and funny stuff
Superherojshttp://superherojs.com/#newsletterSharing a collection of the best articles, videos and presentations we've found on the topic.
JSterhttps://us7.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ed40c0084a0c5ba31b3365d65&id=ec6f32bf5eNo nonsense list of curated JavaScript links to your mailbox once every two weeks.
Web Development Reading Listhttps://wdrl.info/Stay updated in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and get inspiration on work-life balance.
Dev Awesomehttps://devawesome.io/A weekly newsletter full of programming news, cool libraries, and productivity tips.80,000+ subscribers
Codropshttps://tympanus.net/codrops/Subscribe to the weekly Collective, a geeky frontend, tech & design mix for creative devs, plus our monthly recap.https://tympanus.net/codrops/advertise/
The Comethttps://wpuniverse.online/the-comet/A monthly free newsletter about WordPress and web development
Es Next Newshttp://esnextnews.com/The latest in JavaScript and cross-platform tools14,000+ subscribershttp://esnextnews.com/#advertising-on-esnextnews
Deno Weeklyhttps://denoweekly.com/A weekly roundup of news, tutorials and projects from the land of Deno, the newest JavaScript runtime on the block.
This Week in Reacthttps://www.getrevue.co/profile/thisweekinreactFor React Devs6,000 subscribers
React Native Nowhttps://reactnativenow.com/Hand-picked the best React Native news, tutorials, libraries, articles, and videos compiled from around the web and bring it straight to your inbox.2,500+ subscribershttps://reactnativenow.com/sponsorship Sponsored link $60 (One sponsor per issue)
Ember Weeklyhttps://www.emberweekly.com/6,000+ subscribershttps://www.emberweekly.com/sponsor
Vue.js Developer Newsletterhttps://www.getrevue.co/profile/vuejs-developersThe Vue.js Developers Newsletter is a weekly curated publication of the best articles, latest news and coolest Vue proj,ects.5,873 subscribershttps://vuejsdevelopers.com/newsletter/sponsor/
Vue Dosehttps://vuedose.tips/#newsletterDon't miss out anything about Vue, your favourite framework.https://github.com/sponsors/alexjoverm
Doctolibhttps://doctolib.engineering/engineering-news-ruby-rails-react/From the latest Ruby Gem’s to awesome JavaScript articles that will make you REACT. Every week we pick out the best bits of content our team sends us for you to enjoy.
.Net Insighthttps://visualstudiomagazine.com/pages/topic-pages/visual-studio-code-news-and-how-to.aspx
Visual Studio Code Newsletterhttps://www.research.net/r/vsc-newsletterInformation, tips, and resources about Visual Studio Code
VSCode.Emailhttps://vscode.email/vscode.email is an email newsletter featuring, news, tips, and tools for the world's most popular code editor, Visual Studio Code.https://vscode.email/sponsor
Laravel Newshttps://laravel-news.com/newsletterStay up to date with the latest Laravel news, tutorials, packages, and more. Each week we curate the best new information and deliver it to your inbox every Sunday morning.33,000+ subscribers
Office Insiderhttps://insider.office.com/en-us/newsletter
Byteshttps://bytes.devStaying informed on the JavaScript ecosystem has never been so entertaining. Delivered every Monday, for free.105,311 subscribershttps://bytes.dev/advertise Premier Sponsor
Game Dev JS Weeklyhttps://gamedevjsweekly.comWeekly, free newsletter all about HTML5 Game Development.6500+ subscribers
Code Kiwi Newsletterhttps://kiwi.us15.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=9b852ef3c562d7de993b28583&id=27959be7e5Receive monthly news and an overview of the events organised by the tech community
Last Week in AWShttps://www.lastweekinaws.com/newsletter/Stay up to date on AWS changes and news.30,500+ subscribershttps://www.lastweekinaws.com/sponsorship/
Awesome Node.JShttps://inboxreads.co/n/awesome-node.js-newsletterA weekly overview of the most popular Node.js news, articles and modules.https://www.paved.com/users/sign_up?user_type=advertiser&profile_view=true
TypeScript Weeklyhttps://typescript-weekly.com/?ref=inboxreadsThe best TypeScript links every week, right in your inbox.
Synkhttps://inboxreads.co/n/synkA biweekly web dev newsletter with articles, discussions and videos, handpicked by two devs. Keep in sync, without the bullshit.
Perl Weeklyhttps://perlweekly.comWeekly newsletter about all things Perl and Raku4,500+ subscribersSponsorship details: https://perlweekly.com/sponsors.html
Next JShttps://nextjsnews.com/?ref=inboxreadsNext.js focused newsletter. Upcoming features, best articles, tools, and plugins
SemiColon & Sonshttps://www.semicolonandsons.com/?ref=inboxreadsScreencasts showing programmer/entrepreneurs how to build and grow a software business
Bizarro Newshttps://bizzarodevs.com/A monthly newsletter with all the weird and wonderful tech news.
Benedict’s Newsletterhttps://www.ben-evans.com/newsletter/?utm_expid=28871-1.affbvy0FTPS9G7jQpDSjOw.0Each week Benedict shares his thoughts on what happened in tech that actually mattered, and what did it mean.170,000+ subscribers
The Downloadhttps://www.technologyreview.com/newsletter-preferencesReceive the latest emerging technology news in your inbox.
Fully Chargedhttps://www.bloomberg.com/account/newslettersGet more of Bloomberg in your inbox. To subscribe, enter your email at the bottom of this page.
Box of Amazinghttps://boxofamazing.com/A weekly digest covering knowledge, society, emerging technology, trends and extraordinary articles, hand-picked to broaden your mind and challenge your thinking.https://docs.google.com/forms/d/10W5Xvb8UNWagKugGqWraSf4TK9w2C0D8857X9fXZmqU/viewform?edit_requested=true
Tediumhttps://tedium.co/Internet obsessive Ernie Smith’s long dive towards the end of the long tail is still going strong nearly seven years in, and the only thing missing is your inbox. Sign up to get missives from Tedium twice a week.12,000+ subscribershttps://tedium.co/advertising
The informationhttps://www.theinformation.com/In-depth tech stories you won't find anywhere else
CB Insightshttps://www.cbinsights.com/newsletter/The newsletter that makes you smart about tech868,662 subscribers
Quartz Daily Briefhttps://qz.com/emails/daily-brief/The most important and interesting news from the global economy.500,000+ subscribers
Technology Magazinehttps://technologymagazine.com/https://technologymagazine.com/advertise
WpMail.mehttp://wpmail.me/A free WordPress Newsletter, once a week, with a round-up of WordPress news and articles9,900+ subscribershttp://wpmail.me/advertising/
Dense discoveryhttps://www.densediscovery.com/a free weekly email with fresh discoveries at the intersection of design, technology, sustainability and culture.37,000+https://www.densediscovery.com/advertise/
Import AI Newsletterhttps://us13.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=67bd06787e84d73db24fb0aa5&id=6c9d98ff2c
MasterWPhttps://masterwp.com/Weekly industry insights for WordPress pros.40,000 subscribershttps://masterwp.com/sponsor/
Digitaltrendshttps://newsletter.digitaltrends.com/p/6MG2-2XC/sign-up-for-digital-trends-newslettersDigital Trends' newsletters are the best way to stay up to date with the latest tech news, reviews, features, deals, and more.
Futurismhttps://futurism.com/newsletterTo keep in touch with the subjects shaping our futureadvertising@futurism.com
SRE Weeklyhttps://sreweekly.com/Scalability, availability, incident response, automation.https://sreweekly.com/sponsorship-information/
Product Hunthttps://www.producthunt.com/newsletterA daily digest of the best of Product Hunt, created by your friends.
Modern CTO Weeklyhttps://moderncto.io/newsletter/Useful, fun, intelligent content made just for you.70,000+ subscribershttps://moderncto.io/sponsorship/#packages-pricing
Software Defined Talkhttps://us1.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=ce6149b4008d62a08093a4fa6&id=5877922e21With a general focus on serverless, cloud, K8s, and DevOps, they break down the newsletter into useful, always relevant categories.
CyberTalkhttps://www.cybertalk.org/cyber-security-newsletter/Join thousands of professionals in receiving exclusive Check Point cyber security communications.
IDG Techhttps://www.idg.co.uk/ad-library/email-newsletter/
Techmemehttps://www.techmeme.com/newsletter?from=tmdSummarizes the day's top tech news and commentary with an assortment of detailed headlines and links.sponsor@techmeme.com
Recode Dailyhttps://voxmediaevents.com/recodeUncovering and explaining how our digital world is changing - and changing us.
Maker Mindhttps://nesslabs.com/newsletterMaker Mind is your weekly dose of mindful productivity. Discover neuroscience-based strategies to cultivate your curiosity, maximise your productivity, and dare to create.40,000+ subscribers
DotNetCurryhttps://www.dotnetcurry.com/whysubscribe.htmPlenty of articles on C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, MVC, AJAX, Silverlight, LINQ, jQuery, JavaScript, Windows Forms, Interview Questions, VSTS, Expression Web, Office 2007, Windows Vista, Product Reviews, Interviews and much more.1,071 subscribers
ASP.NET Core Newshttps://aspnetcore.news/ASP.NET Core News is a weekly newsletter about ASP.NET Core, MVC, Blazor, SignalR, and much more.2,070 subscribershttps://aspnetcore.news/media-kit/
HeyDesignerhttps://heydesigner.com/HeyDesigner  is the go-to newsletter  for product people, UXers, PMs, and design engineers.https://heydesigner.com/sponsorship/
Web Designer Depothttps://www.webdesignerdepot.com/Get exclusive access to freebies and news528,875 subscribershttps://www.webdesignerdepot.com/contact/?sm=advertise
The Web Designerhttps://the-webdesigner.co/Weekly insights, tips & strategies for growing your skills and earning more money doing what you love.18,600+ subscribershttps://the-webdesigner.co/advertise/
HackingUIhttps://hackingui.com/auto-draft/Stumble on great design resources curated by a UI designer + front-end developer duo, Sagi Shrieber and David Tintner.
Android Authorityhttps://www.androidauthority.com/newsletters/Get newsletters featuring news, reviews, deals and expert opinions from our team.500k subscribers (across brands)https://partners.androidauthority.com/
Android Central Newsletterhttps://www.androidcentral.com/newsletternewsletter, which summarizes the most important news, editorials and how-tos and sends it to your inbox, every day!
Android Sweetshttps://infinum.com/android-sweets/Every Wednesday get a range of practical resources to boost your Android projects.
Ruby Dropshttps://infinum.com/ruby-drops/Jump on the bandwagon for interesting news every Rails developer should know about.
iOS Cocoa Treatshttps://infinum.com/ios-cocoa-treats/An Apple a day keeps the doctor away, and this newsletter subscription keeps you informed.
Retrospective fudgehttps://infinum.com/retrospective-fudge/Fresh agile-related news curated by the QA and PM teams.
Kotlin Weeklyhttp://www.kotlinweekly.net/Your weekly dose of Kotlin.22,907 subscribershttp://www.kotlinweekly.net/
objchttps://www.objc.io/newsletter/objc publishes books, videos, and articles on advanced techniques for iOS and macOS development.
The Real Python Newsletterhttps://realpython.com/newsletter/Weekly programming and career Tips for Python Developers, including short & sweet "Python Tricks" code snippets341,217 subscribershttps://realpython.com/sponsorships/
API Developer Weeklyhttps://apideveloperweekly.com/API Developer Weekly is a weekly newsletter that is hyper-focused on the business, design, development, and deployment of APIs for web and mobile apps.3000+ subscribers
Unzip.dev - Developer Trends Newsletterhttps://unzip.devDiscover the latest dev trends through a 5-min intro, one trend at a time. Zero spam, sent once per month: low volume, high quality.3700+ subscribershttps://unzip.dev/sponsor/
Syntax Snack Packhttps://syntax.fm/snackpackBi-weekly newsletter with tips & tricks, twitter hot takes, Syntax episode highlights, and other sweet stuff to make your life as a web developer even better.13,000+ subscribers
Air Around AIhttps://airaroundai.substack.com/Air Around AI is a weekly newsletter of the top news, best tutorials, product launches and super tips on AI, for leaders and changemakers.2000+ subscribers