

Motion Planning Diffusion: Learning and Planning of Robot Motions with Diffusion Models

Carvalho, J.; Le, A.T.; Baierl, M.; Koert, D.; Peters, J. (2023). Motion Planning Diffusion: Learning and Planning of Robot Motions with Diffusion Models, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).

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<p float="middle"> <img src="figures/EnvDense2D-RobotPointMass.gif" width="45%" /> <img src="figures/EnvSpheres3D-RobotPanda.gif" width="45%" /> </p>

This repository implements MPD - Motion Planning Diffusion -, a method for learning and planning robot motions with diffusion models, which was presented at IROS 2023.


If you have any questions please let me know -- joao@robot-learning.de



Clone this repository with

cd ~
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/jacarvalho/mpd-public.git
cd mpd-public

Download IsaacGym Preview 4 and extract it under deps/isaacgym

mv ~/Downloads/IsaacGym_Preview_4_Package.tar.gz ~/mpd-public/deps/
cd ~/mpd-public/deps
tar -xvf IsaacGym_Preview_4_Package.tar.gz

Run the bash setup script to install everything.

cd ~/mpd-public
bash setup.sh

Running the MPD inference

To try out the MPD inference, first download the data and the trained models.

conda activate mpd
gdown --id 1mmJAFg6M2I1OozZcyueKp_AP0HHkCq2k
tar -xvf data_trajectories.tar.gz
gdown --id 1I66PJ5QudCqIZ2Xy4P8e-iRBA8-e2zO1
tar -xvf data_trained_models.tar.gz

Run the inference script

cd scripts/inference
python inference.py

Comment out the model-id variable in scripts/inference/inference.py to try out different models

model_id: str = 'EnvDense2D-RobotPointMass'
model_id: str = 'EnvNarrowPassageDense2D-RobotPointMass'
model_id: str = 'EnvSimple2D-RobotPointMass'
model_id: str = 'EnvSpheres3D-RobotPanda'

Depending on the task (model-id) you might need to change the weights for collision and smoothness (we will provide an "hyperpameter search" soon.)

weight_grad_cost_collision: float = 3e-2
weight_grad_cost_smoothness: float = 1e-2

The results will be saved under data_trained_models/[model_id]/results_inference/.

Generate data and train from scratch

We recommend running the follwowing in a SLURM cluster.

conda activate mpd

To regenerate the data:

cd scripts/generate_data
python launch_generate_trajectories.py

To train the model:

cd scripts/train_diffusion
python launch_train_01.py


If you use our work or code base(s), please cite our article:

  title={Motion Planning Diffusion: Learning and Planning of Robot Motions with Diffusion Models},
  author={Carvalho, J. and  Le, A.T. and  Baierl, M. and  Koert, D. and  Peters, J.},
  booktitle={IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},


Parts of this work and software were taken and/or inspired from: