


CI PyPI Python version DOI PyPI License Code style: black

A paper introducing jMetalPy is available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.swevo.2019.100598

Table of Contents


You can install the latest version of jMetalPy with pip,

pip install jmetalpy  # or "jmetalpy[distributed]"
<details><summary><b>Notes on installing with <tt>pip</tt></b></summary> <p>

jMetalPy includes features for parallel and distributed computing based on pySpark and Dask.

These (extra) dependencies are not automatically installed when running pip, which only comprises the core functionality of the framework (enough for most users):

pip install jmetalpy

This is the equivalent of running:

pip install "jmetalpy[core]"

Other supported commands are listed next:

pip install "jmetalpy[dev]"  # Install requirements for development
pip install "jmetalpy[distributed]"  # Install requirements for parallel/distributed computing
pip install "jmetalpy[complete]"  # Install all requirements
</p> </details>

Hello, world! 👋

Examples of configuring and running all the included algorithms are located in the documentation.

from jmetal.algorithm.multiobjective import NSGAII
from jmetal.operator.crossover import SBXCrossover
from jmetal.operator.mutation import PolynomialMutation
from jmetal.problem import ZDT1
from jmetal.util.termination_criterion import StoppingByEvaluations

problem = ZDT1()

algorithm = NSGAII(
    mutation=PolynomialMutation(probability=1.0 / problem.number_of_variables(), distribution_index=20),
    crossover=SBXCrossover(probability=1.0, distribution_index=20),


We can then proceed to explore the results:

from jmetal.util.solution import get_non_dominated_solutions, print_function_values_to_file, print_variables_to_file

front = get_non_dominated_solutions(algorithm.result())

# save to files
print_function_values_to_file(front, 'FUN.NSGAII.ZDT1')
print_variables_to_file(front, 'VAR.NSGAII.ZDT1')

Or visualize the Pareto front approximation produced by the algorithm:

from jmetal.lab.visualization import Plot

plot_front = Plot(title='Pareto front approximation', axis_labels=['x', 'y'])
plot_front.plot(front, label='NSGAII-ZDT1', filename='NSGAII-ZDT1', format='png')

<img src=docs/source/_static/NSGAII-ZDT1.png width=450 alt="Pareto front approximation">


The current release of jMetalPy (v1.7.0) contains the following components:

Scatter plot 2DScatter plot 3D
Parallel coordinatesInteractive chord plot



This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT - see the LICENSE file for details.