

M5Stack Hardware Wallet

(First?) Libra Hardware wallet. Built on M5Stack devices: Core, Grey, Fire compatible using KULAP libra services


  1. Open m5stack_libra_hardware_wallet_OK.ino in Arduino IDE
  2. Change SSID and Passphase for your WIFI (this is using for call libra services)
  3. Upload codes into M5Stack
  4. Enjoy !!


1. Login page

PIN is 6 digits and using SHA256 to encrypt PIN and store to EEPROM

2. Wallet Page

Show Libra Address (Full address) with Balance (Offline storage in EEPROM)

3. Sign Trx Page

Sign Transaction with Libra-Wallet-POC https://github.com/kulapio/libra-wallet-poc

Press "Use HW Wallet" when prompt to select and then press 'B' button to sync data to Libra-Wallet-POC app

M5StickC Clock & Wallet

(First?) Libra Hardware wallet. Built on M5SickC devices using KULAP libra services


  1. Open M5Stick_Clock_LIbra.ino in Arduino IDE
  2. Change SSID and Passphase for your WIFI (this is using for call libra services)
  3. Upload codes into M5Stack
  4. Enjoy !!


1. Clock page

Display current Time

2. Login Page

3. Wallet Page

Show Libra Address (Full address) with Balance (Offline storage in EEPROM)

3. Sign Trx Page

Sign Transaction with Libra-Wallet-POC https://github.com/kulapio/libra-wallet-poc

Press "Use HW Wallet" when prompt to select and then press 'HOME' button to sync data to Libra-Wallet-POC app Press 'RST' button to exit

Libra Services

Libra Services from KULAP.io https://github.com/kulapio/libra-service

Create wallet:

POST /createWallet

Headers: Content-Typeapplication/json

Body: {}

Example Request:

curl --location --request POST "https://libraservice2.kulap.io/createWallet" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data "{}"

Example Output:

    "address": "5554d60c1af7592673f0ac012ce483b842c06de3d896029cfe957c348621d5b7",
    "balance": "100",
    "mnemonic": "parrot afraid always popular trade grape divide wave dawn web identify kangaroo equal suffer humor creek scan stove hip kingdom skin enable flush announce;1"

